Friday, 30 December 2016

New Year 2017 Wishes & Resolutions

Within a few hours, the year 2016 would be passing into a dream that we, the citizens of this planet Earth had for past twelve months and the dawn of New Year 2017 would rise.  In this past dream, we accomplished a part of our journey together with both cohesive & complimentary goals at a time  and conflicting & quarreling ones at another times. This duality is a way of our lives like light & darkness, day & night, good & evil but each having a complimentary role. In the process of our dreaming, many of our friends and co-habitats of this planet have left us on their divine journey and new friends have joined us too.  The play of this variety game in the wheel of time goes on and on and will continue  in the new dream of the year 2017 too till eternity.

What the future dream of the year 2017 holds for us? In this universe, nothing happens without a cause. A simple line drawn on a paper has a cause behind it; a pencil or a pen in the hands of a drawer and his/her will to draw it. Behind this universe also, there is a will of the creator. Behind our own existence, there is a will of the creator impregnated with our own Karmas (कर्म... कर्मफल... acts & resultant outcomes). The phenomenon of cause and effect is at play constantly and nobody has ever escaped from it. Each & every entity in this universe is the product of this play of cause & effect and the way of our lives, the way we live, acts & reacts too is an outcome of this cause & effect phenomenon. However, there is a commonality; we, the human beings live, eat, drink, play, sleep, think  & dream in a similar way irrespective of our age, period, nationality, caste, colour, race, sects, language etc. Our internal bodily functions are identical too. Our consciousness, intelligence and power of discrimination are also identical. This commonality leads us to believe in the fundamental truth that we are ONE at the grass root level and have been placed in this planet due to a common & shared cause with a common fundamental design behind it. The sum total is that our cause to be the co-habitats of this planet is common, the path & journey is common and the end of our habitation is common too. Why this UNITY should not bind us together and lead us to believe in a common & complimentary goal while living on this planet? This common goal can be our universal dharma, avoiding mutual conflicts, helping each other, sharing our common resources, living with truth and making this planet a true heaven to live together. Let us make this universal dharma (धर्म.... a way of life, no way connected with any religion) our sole purpose of life, above our religious and sectoral dharma in the New Year 2017. Let us strive together to make this planet Earth a better place to live and dream together in the New Year 2017. Let us make this common New Year resolution together, above all other personal New Year resolutions.

Dear friends, I thank you a lot for lighting my year 2016 and making it a unique and memorable journey throughout to cherish and rediscover my new "self", though incomplete without you all.

With this, I wish all my friends, my other known & unknown co-habitats of this planet a very happy, warm, peaceful, powerful & joyful New Year 2017. I do hope that you will continue to light up my path ahead with  love, guidance, peace & joy. All you stay divinely blessed.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Gains & Losses of Demonetization

Observing the post demonetization financial scenario today, let us consider the eventually that the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi would not have dared to take steps of demonetization like his predecessors. What the country would have gained or lost?

Few of the gains & losses could have been;


1.Life of common men would have been normal as usual.

2. Status quo would have prevailed and business and GDP growth rate would have run as usual.


1. Parliament may have functioned or may not have functioned as opposition would have found some other habitual excuse to force disruptions.


1. Black money and hawala business would have continued to run unstopped.

2. The nexus between corrupt businessman, politicians and bank officials would not have exposed as they are being caught on a large scale today.

3. Terrorist funding and use of fake currency in terrorist activities would have gone as usual, perhaps on larger scale leading to more incident like Pathankot & Uri. Many soldiers and civilians would have been martyred.

4. Use of black money in buying votes during forthcoming state elections would have been continued unhindered.

5. Cleaning process of dirty money economy would not have started.

6.Focus would not have shifted to digital economy.

7. Long term benifits to the economy & nation would have lost.

Readers can add their view points on the gains & losses.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Indian Politicians...... the Descendents of Raja Harishchandra

From the statements of all political parties opposing demonetization, it looks like they are all 100% clean, honest and descendents (औलाद ... aulad in Hindi) of Satyavadi Raja Harishchandra. Then how come India ranks 76 in Corruption Perception Index? Why there is so much poverty & hunger in India?

Why then all the political parties oppose RTI to themselves?

Why then more than 80% funding of political parties is from unknown sources?

Are the rest of Indian population (excluding politicians) are corrupt?

Yes! Some part of population among us is definitely corrupt. That's why many people are being caught with crores & crores rupees of currency & gold.

But, did the Indian population commit monumental  national scams syphoning lacs & lacs of crores of rupees?

Is this the way the Indian nation has been built after Independence by our great leaders?

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Demonetization Tremor & After Shocks

The common men have generally welcomed the demonetization decision of the government in spite the subsequent continued pain. However, the loads and loads of new currency notes caught nationwide is intriguing to him. The scenario reflects following facts about  us, the Indian society for which we should be ashamed of.

1. The wealthy & influential people always find ways & means to beat the system and take advantage for selfish gains without bothering for fellow poor citizens. The wealthy & influential in collusion with corrupt bank officials could convert their black money into white while the common men continue to struggle to withdraw their totally white money.

2. The large numbers of people caught hoarding the new currency notes and the bank officials caught facilitating this shows some efforts being made  by government to catch the corrupt. Are they sufficient? It may be possible  that large numbers of manipulators could escape unpunished and the very purpose of demonetization is lost in large extent.

3. We,  as a society are corrupt to a large extent and will not hesitate to deceive any honest attempt to gain a slightest advantage. 

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Meditation & the Universal Power

The entire universe comprising of galaxies, suns, moons, earths and countless stars is programmed to be governed and work in an orderly manner by an universal force, the infinite universal power. In spirituality, we call it an orderly execution of the divine plan. In simple language, we call it God's plan and can name the infinite source of power as God, call; X,Y, Z, Vishnu, Krishna, Christ, Allah or anything. This power enlivens and encompasses each and every object, living or non living, suns, moons, earths, stars, atoms, molecules, plants animals & human beings. Nothing can exist without this supreme power and all our actions, voluntary or involuntary, walking, talking, breathing, digesting, thinking, sleeping, dreaming and all bodily & mental processes tap the energy from this infinite source of universal power. Indirectly, we can say that we are continuously and constantly energized by the universal power and we have no independent existence which can separate us from the infinite power whether we are alive or dead. We come; take birth from this universal power and shall die & merge with the same universal power. In the mighty and infinite, all pervading universal sphere of power, we are nothing but a minute dot within.

In our normal day to day activities during the wakeful state, we consume the stored universal power, which is the energy drawn from food, water, rest & sleep. Though all the energy sources are important for a healthy living (they too draw the energy from the infinite universal source), the sleep is the most important process by which we tap the infinite source of life energy in greater quantum for recharging the bodily battery. Without sleep, within few days, our consciousness will start disorienting which will severely affect other bodily functions. We will fall sick and ultimately die. Through deep sleep, we draw the infinite universal energy into ourselves and because of this life energy drawn, we feel fully fresh & recharged when we wake up. How to tap and draw within more and more universal energy? Indian Yogis through their yogic practices and meditation techniques have answered this question, who had mastered this science to tap the infinite universal force. They have discovered that there is a state beyond sleep in the fully wakeful state called meditation through which we can tap the source of infinite universal energy. By practicing meditation and making it a daily routine, we can draw more and more life energy and eliminate many physical & mental ailments to remain ever healthy, peaceful & joyful.

Meditation is a process by which we try to calm the mind by breathing slowly, effortlessly and naturally.  The simple meditation techniques involve the following;

1. Choose a neat and clean place, preferably well ventilated allowing fresh air to enter the room if the place is indoor. You can do a little warm up exercises or yogic asasnas (yoga postures) before sitting for meditation.

2. Meditation can be practiced at any time but it is preferred to meditate early in the morning at sunrise or/and in the evening at sunset. It is advised to be on empty stomach.

3. Keep a gentle smile on face and feeling of happiness within. Sit in a comfortable position cross legged or in lotus posture on a mat or soft blanket. One can sit on a chair also. It is not advisable to lie for meditation as one may fall asleep.

4. Close your eyes and take few deep breathes. Then breathe normally, make no extra effort to control the breathe; simply breathe slowly & naturally.

5. Mind will wander here and there; do not try to control the mind, allow it naturally to settle with attention drawn to the breathing process. Feel and observe mentally the inhalation and exhalation process. Gradually, the mind will settle and breathing process will become slower and calmer.

6. In the beginning to start with, do the meditation for five to ten minutes and gradually increase the meditation time to half an hour or forty minutes.

7. At the close of the meditation, do not hurry to open the eyes and move around. Rub your palms slowly for few minutes and keep the palms on your eyes. Keeping the palms on eyes, feel the warmth of palms, open your eyes slowly and gradually and take the palms away, put them on your laps. Take little time to become aware of yourself and your surroundings. Get up slowly and then you can move around slowly.

In deep spiritual terms, meditation is a process of connecting the self consciousness which is a spark of the infinite universal energy; with the supreme consciousness, the infinite universal energy itself; like connecting a small electric bulb with the infinite source of power by a live wire, a super conductive highway. This connection opens the door of infinite universal life energy (also called pranic energy) to the mankind which in normal sleep state, only a fraction of it is possible to be tapped. 

Beyond meditation lies the state of Samadhi, a state when your consciousness is merged with the super consciousness of the infinite power, the God. You, yourselves achieve and become the super consciousness, a state beyond which nothing is left to be known. The knower (the self), the process of knowing and the known (the universal supreme power, the God) becomes one. At this state, one knows the mystery of the universe and mystery of life and death. In the Bhagwad Gita, the Lord Krishna himself has explained the mystery of Yoga and Meditation to Arjuna following which the Jiva (the soul of human beings) can merge with the spirit (the Supreme Soul, the Paramatma).

However, the beginners should not look for any immediate results or miracle but continue meditation practice as a part of daily routine. Gradually you will start experiencing a feeling of lasting joy and happiness. You will become calmer and calmer day by day. The first sign of successful meditation is the constant joy felt within. The long practice of meditation will act as an elixir for your life improving your health and  curing completely many  ailments.
                                          Om Tat Sat… Tat tvam Asi
ओम् तत् सत्……………… तत्त्वमसि

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