night, at our rest hours, when we fall asleep, there is something within us
that does not fall asleep and remains awake, remains at work, thinks, wanders distance
places, creates its’ own world and images and interacts with its’ own creations,
the images of real and unreal persons, the vast nature, does many physical and
mental acts & reacts, takes decisions, enjoys & suffers consequences
and feels pains and pleasures, prays, surrenders, laughs, cries and do vast
imaginable and unimaginable things. Who is this entity, who does all these
things? We call it the core of the cores, “the consciousness”, and “chetna” in Hindi. Is not this power bestowed
within us is the power to create, destroy and sustain the “dream world” during our
dream state which is nothing but a replica of the power of the God, the Almighty
who creates, destroy and sustain our real world? Yes!!! This power is exactly analogous
to the power of God who dreams this world, the “real world” we call it. In
dream state, we act God with our unreal but presumed to be real world in our dream
whereas the God in his dream state, acts in his unreal world presumed to be our
real world in the God’s dream.
In our
dream state, as we dream of the images of many real and unreal creatures and
nature. The real and unreal creatures and nature do not rise and come to our
dream world. How it can? The real persons who appear in our dream may be
sleeping at their own places and even, might be dreaming of their dream world
where, we might appear as a player or else, might be busy in their own real
world. Then from where and how do they appear in our dream world? Many saints and
yogis have postulated the theory on this phenomenon. They say that in our dream
world, we actually use the God’s power blessed to us, to become “Many” from the
“One” and the inner “I” becomes “Many”. By this theory, it draws a conclusion
that there is no difference between the “Many” and the “I”, the ultimate and
absolute “unity”, the “Ekatmata” in
Hindi. The “I” and “Many” are the one and the same.
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