Tuesday, 24 February 2015

A long way to walk

I, as a raw stone, though hiding the entire beauty of the universe within me, am in constant search of the beauty outside. I, as a body, in the role of a father, a mother, a child, a husband, a wife and every relationship go to temple, go to mosque, go to church, go to a gurudwara and different places of worship in search of the god, though the divinity is hidden inside me. So, the truth is that I am blind to my own beauty; I am blind to my own godliness, my own truth and my own divinity. The truth is that the beauty of the universe, the truth of all the truths, the divinity and godliness of all the gods is already residing within me. Then who can awaken me from the deep slumber of this blindness? Nobody else, except me and my self-realization through deeper and deeper search within and stopping running after the mirage outside. The yogis say that the way is meditation. Bhagwan Shri Krishna says in Gita that the way is meditation. The Christ says in Bible that the way is meditation. The saints say that the way leads to self-realization, the self-enlightenment. For an ignorant and imperfect like me, a long way to walk.

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