Tuesday, 11 February 2014

A reality

A reality,….A child comes in this world with a body….every child comes in this world with a body. The child does not come with a name and caste, does not come with a religion, even with a language to speak. The parents give the child a label, a name, a family name, a family caste, a family religion and teach a family language. If these labels are not attached to the child, there will be no separate identity, no different religion, and no division. The labels do not come free to the child. The child develops a gradual concept of I, me and mine. The consciousness says “It is my name, my family name, my religion, my community, and my country”. The concept develops into “Ego”, a self “ego”, a deep attachment to the false image of self which is the cause of all conflicts. Can these conflicts be avoided? Yes, can be, but needs learning, teaching and needs modifying the consciousness at the deepest level that I came to this world with a nameless, casteless, religion less body, so there is no difference between me and my fellow travelers to this planet, irrespective of his/her position, wealth and possessions . Our education, our political and governance system do not teach us this reality. Let us change this at least at our level by constantly remembering the truth, the reality.

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