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PIC: gitadaily.com |
The world is no doubt a beautiful
place to live and enjoy every aspect of life. It also offer immense
opportunities to everyone to excel in his/her own chosen field and spread love,
happiness and joy. It offers immense opportunities to share the enormous
natural wealth and care for every citizen of this planet Earth. We along with
the millions of creatures share the beautiful lakes, mountains, gardens, plants
and everything offered by the nature to enjoy the life. We are all the
co-habitants of the planet and together we can make the place a heaven here
itself. However, we are still undergoing lots of pains and witnessing troubles
and crimes everywhere and making this place a hell. These are the consequences
of our own mindset and insensitive actions as we ourselves chose to enter the
hell through its three gateways. The three gateways of the hell are the lust,
anger and greed. These three gateways are beautifully explained by Lord Krishna
through verse 21, of chapter 16 of the Shrimadbhagwad Gita, which says;
त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं द्वारं नाशनमात्मन: |
काम: क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत् || 21||
काम: क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत् || 21||
tri-vidhaṁ narakasyedaṁ dvāraṁ nāśhanam ātmanaḥ
kāmaḥ krodhas tathā lobhas tasmād etat trayaṁ tyajet
kāmaḥ krodhas tathā lobhas tasmād etat trayaṁ tyajet
Meaning: There are three gateways to the hell (naraka) for the
destruction of the self, namely lust, anger and greed Therefore, one should
forsake these three.
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Lord Krishna and Arjuna in Mahabharata PIC: zeenews.india.co |
The word, ‘naraka’ (the hell) is
used here for a place which is full of miseries and never ending pain sufficient
enough for the self destruction. This is not a place somewhere above the skies
or a separate world but is here itself and points towards the particular
hellish mental condition. The pain and
pleasure are the mental conditions of a person, the pleasure indicates the
heavenly mental status and the pain signifies the hellish status. The three gateways
to the hell are the lust, anger and greed which one has to avoid to attain
eternal peace and pleasure.
The world offers enough
opportunities to fall into the traps of the gateways of the hell or heaven. The
lust is the first gateway to the hell. The lust (kama) beyond a certain limit
is dangerous for the self and the society. The lust is the energy, necessary for
procreation and if directed in positive direction it produces positive outcome.
However, if it is misused and abused, it can create havoc in the society leading
to self destruction. We find many examples in the human history that the
excessive and uncontrolled lust has resulted in great tragedies for the persons
harboring it and also for to the society. The heinous cases like ‘Nirbhaya gang
rapes (committed few years back in New Delhi) are the results of the unbridled lust
of few mad men. The perpetrators overstepped the limit and committed grave
crime to kill an innocent girl and brought intolerable tragedy to the family
and the society. Many physical and mental ailments are the results the
excessive and uncontrolled lust. Shri Ramakrishna
Paramhansa said, “kama (lust) is bhoga, sensory satisfaction; if you carry it
too far, you are sure to come to roga or disease-physical or mental.” This is
the first gateway to the hell which one must avoid to attain happiness and joy
in life.
The next gateway to the hell is krodha,
the anger. The anger is one of the biggest enemies of mankind. Anger is also an
energy and if applied towards constructive objective, it create wonders for the
society. Certain amount of disciplined anger is necessary and should be
displayed to regulate the conduct and obtain optimum result for the overall
good of the self and the society. There
is no harm but it is a duty of everyone to display a disciplined anger to fight
against injustice and evil tendencies. However,
if it is excessive, it can make a person mad and under the influence of this
madness, he/she can commit any evil. Under the influence of the anger, the
person gets blinded and is unable to use his intelligent to take a rational decision.
Many people are seen committing even murders on the slightest pretext under the
wild outburst of anger. The power of discrimination is totally lost under the
influence of uncontrolled anger. The uncontrolled anger can lead to self
destruction as well as harm the entire society and therefore one must avoid thee
excessive anger, the second gateway to the hell.
The third gateway to the hell is
lobha, the greed. Lobha is excessive greed. Earning money through right conduct
and spending on the self is not lobha. Lobha is also energy and one has to
spend it to earn money or wealth for self sustenance. It is quite natural and normal
as well as a duty of a person to earn his/her livelihood to sustain the life
and lead a purposeful life. But the irresistible urge to earn more and more money
and wealth through immoral and corrupt practices is a greatest evil. Every day
we observe through media reports that a politician, a government official or
anybody enjoying certain degree of powers in society has been caught in bribing
or accumulated wealth beyond their known source of income through wrongful and
corrupt practices. We also find many thieves are engaging themselves in loot
and plunder. All these people fall in the same sinful corrupt category and are
the real enemies of the society and the nation. One day, they are bound to
caught and certainly enter the gateway of the hell. While engaging in the
unethical practices to earn more and more money, they also lose their peace and
are constantly lead the life worrying for their wealth and fears of getting
caught. Therefore one must avoid the lobha, the third gateway to the hell.
If we keenly observe the people
across the globe, we will find that there are two types of the people, irrespective
of the nationality, race or religion. He two types of the people are; the uttam
or moral type of people (Uttam –good) and adham or demonic type of people
(adham- fallen). In any society or the nation, if moral people or more, they
lead to further refinement of the society and the more and more people will
become moral. However, if the demonic people are more, they would lead to creation
of more and more bad people. Virtues flourish under the influence of more and
more good people and it declines with the growth of demonic people. That is why it is necessary that we appreciate
good people and virtues and help in development of a good society. It helps in
developing a heaven on this Earth. However, if we appreciate evil, we march on
the road to make evil predominant in the society making it a hell for the self
and everybody.
The three gateways as explained
by Lord Krishna are as relevant today as they were in the period of
Mahabharata. We, the people therefore, need to inculcate and promote the
heavenly mindset to make the earth a heaven and not the hell by falling into
the attractive but painful trap of the three gateways of the hell.
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