Friday, 30 December 2016

New Year 2017 Wishes & Resolutions

Within a few hours, the year 2016 would be passing into a dream that we, the citizens of this planet Earth had for past twelve months and the dawn of New Year 2017 would rise.  In this past dream, we accomplished a part of our journey together with both cohesive & complimentary goals at a time  and conflicting & quarreling ones at another times. This duality is a way of our lives like light & darkness, day & night, good & evil but each having a complimentary role. In the process of our dreaming, many of our friends and co-habitats of this planet have left us on their divine journey and new friends have joined us too.  The play of this variety game in the wheel of time goes on and on and will continue  in the new dream of the year 2017 too till eternity.

What the future dream of the year 2017 holds for us? In this universe, nothing happens without a cause. A simple line drawn on a paper has a cause behind it; a pencil or a pen in the hands of a drawer and his/her will to draw it. Behind this universe also, there is a will of the creator. Behind our own existence, there is a will of the creator impregnated with our own Karmas (कर्म... कर्मफल... acts & resultant outcomes). The phenomenon of cause and effect is at play constantly and nobody has ever escaped from it. Each & every entity in this universe is the product of this play of cause & effect and the way of our lives, the way we live, acts & reacts too is an outcome of this cause & effect phenomenon. However, there is a commonality; we, the human beings live, eat, drink, play, sleep, think  & dream in a similar way irrespective of our age, period, nationality, caste, colour, race, sects, language etc. Our internal bodily functions are identical too. Our consciousness, intelligence and power of discrimination are also identical. This commonality leads us to believe in the fundamental truth that we are ONE at the grass root level and have been placed in this planet due to a common & shared cause with a common fundamental design behind it. The sum total is that our cause to be the co-habitats of this planet is common, the path & journey is common and the end of our habitation is common too. Why this UNITY should not bind us together and lead us to believe in a common & complimentary goal while living on this planet? This common goal can be our universal dharma, avoiding mutual conflicts, helping each other, sharing our common resources, living with truth and making this planet a true heaven to live together. Let us make this universal dharma (धर्म.... a way of life, no way connected with any religion) our sole purpose of life, above our religious and sectoral dharma in the New Year 2017. Let us strive together to make this planet Earth a better place to live and dream together in the New Year 2017. Let us make this common New Year resolution together, above all other personal New Year resolutions.

Dear friends, I thank you a lot for lighting my year 2016 and making it a unique and memorable journey throughout to cherish and rediscover my new "self", though incomplete without you all.

With this, I wish all my friends, my other known & unknown co-habitats of this planet a very happy, warm, peaceful, powerful & joyful New Year 2017. I do hope that you will continue to light up my path ahead with  love, guidance, peace & joy. All you stay divinely blessed.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Gains & Losses of Demonetization

Observing the post demonetization financial scenario today, let us consider the eventually that the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi would not have dared to take steps of demonetization like his predecessors. What the country would have gained or lost?

Few of the gains & losses could have been;


1.Life of common men would have been normal as usual.

2. Status quo would have prevailed and business and GDP growth rate would have run as usual.


1. Parliament may have functioned or may not have functioned as opposition would have found some other habitual excuse to force disruptions.


1. Black money and hawala business would have continued to run unstopped.

2. The nexus between corrupt businessman, politicians and bank officials would not have exposed as they are being caught on a large scale today.

3. Terrorist funding and use of fake currency in terrorist activities would have gone as usual, perhaps on larger scale leading to more incident like Pathankot & Uri. Many soldiers and civilians would have been martyred.

4. Use of black money in buying votes during forthcoming state elections would have been continued unhindered.

5. Cleaning process of dirty money economy would not have started.

6.Focus would not have shifted to digital economy.

7. Long term benifits to the economy & nation would have lost.

Readers can add their view points on the gains & losses.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Indian Politicians...... the Descendents of Raja Harishchandra

From the statements of all political parties opposing demonetization, it looks like they are all 100% clean, honest and descendents (औलाद ... aulad in Hindi) of Satyavadi Raja Harishchandra. Then how come India ranks 76 in Corruption Perception Index? Why there is so much poverty & hunger in India?

Why then all the political parties oppose RTI to themselves?

Why then more than 80% funding of political parties is from unknown sources?

Are the rest of Indian population (excluding politicians) are corrupt?

Yes! Some part of population among us is definitely corrupt. That's why many people are being caught with crores & crores rupees of currency & gold.

But, did the Indian population commit monumental  national scams syphoning lacs & lacs of crores of rupees?

Is this the way the Indian nation has been built after Independence by our great leaders?

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Demonetization Tremor & After Shocks

The common men have generally welcomed the demonetization decision of the government in spite the subsequent continued pain. However, the loads and loads of new currency notes caught nationwide is intriguing to him. The scenario reflects following facts about  us, the Indian society for which we should be ashamed of.

1. The wealthy & influential people always find ways & means to beat the system and take advantage for selfish gains without bothering for fellow poor citizens. The wealthy & influential in collusion with corrupt bank officials could convert their black money into white while the common men continue to struggle to withdraw their totally white money.

2. The large numbers of people caught hoarding the new currency notes and the bank officials caught facilitating this shows some efforts being made  by government to catch the corrupt. Are they sufficient? It may be possible  that large numbers of manipulators could escape unpunished and the very purpose of demonetization is lost in large extent.

3. We,  as a society are corrupt to a large extent and will not hesitate to deceive any honest attempt to gain a slightest advantage. 

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Meditation & the Universal Power

The entire universe comprising of galaxies, suns, moons, earths and countless stars is programmed to be governed and work in an orderly manner by an universal force, the infinite universal power. In spirituality, we call it an orderly execution of the divine plan. In simple language, we call it God's plan and can name the infinite source of power as God, call; X,Y, Z, Vishnu, Krishna, Christ, Allah or anything. This power enlivens and encompasses each and every object, living or non living, suns, moons, earths, stars, atoms, molecules, plants animals & human beings. Nothing can exist without this supreme power and all our actions, voluntary or involuntary, walking, talking, breathing, digesting, thinking, sleeping, dreaming and all bodily & mental processes tap the energy from this infinite source of universal power. Indirectly, we can say that we are continuously and constantly energized by the universal power and we have no independent existence which can separate us from the infinite power whether we are alive or dead. We come; take birth from this universal power and shall die & merge with the same universal power. In the mighty and infinite, all pervading universal sphere of power, we are nothing but a minute dot within.

In our normal day to day activities during the wakeful state, we consume the stored universal power, which is the energy drawn from food, water, rest & sleep. Though all the energy sources are important for a healthy living (they too draw the energy from the infinite universal source), the sleep is the most important process by which we tap the infinite source of life energy in greater quantum for recharging the bodily battery. Without sleep, within few days, our consciousness will start disorienting which will severely affect other bodily functions. We will fall sick and ultimately die. Through deep sleep, we draw the infinite universal energy into ourselves and because of this life energy drawn, we feel fully fresh & recharged when we wake up. How to tap and draw within more and more universal energy? Indian Yogis through their yogic practices and meditation techniques have answered this question, who had mastered this science to tap the infinite universal force. They have discovered that there is a state beyond sleep in the fully wakeful state called meditation through which we can tap the source of infinite universal energy. By practicing meditation and making it a daily routine, we can draw more and more life energy and eliminate many physical & mental ailments to remain ever healthy, peaceful & joyful.

Meditation is a process by which we try to calm the mind by breathing slowly, effortlessly and naturally.  The simple meditation techniques involve the following;

1. Choose a neat and clean place, preferably well ventilated allowing fresh air to enter the room if the place is indoor. You can do a little warm up exercises or yogic asasnas (yoga postures) before sitting for meditation.

2. Meditation can be practiced at any time but it is preferred to meditate early in the morning at sunrise or/and in the evening at sunset. It is advised to be on empty stomach.

3. Keep a gentle smile on face and feeling of happiness within. Sit in a comfortable position cross legged or in lotus posture on a mat or soft blanket. One can sit on a chair also. It is not advisable to lie for meditation as one may fall asleep.

4. Close your eyes and take few deep breathes. Then breathe normally, make no extra effort to control the breathe; simply breathe slowly & naturally.

5. Mind will wander here and there; do not try to control the mind, allow it naturally to settle with attention drawn to the breathing process. Feel and observe mentally the inhalation and exhalation process. Gradually, the mind will settle and breathing process will become slower and calmer.

6. In the beginning to start with, do the meditation for five to ten minutes and gradually increase the meditation time to half an hour or forty minutes.

7. At the close of the meditation, do not hurry to open the eyes and move around. Rub your palms slowly for few minutes and keep the palms on your eyes. Keeping the palms on eyes, feel the warmth of palms, open your eyes slowly and gradually and take the palms away, put them on your laps. Take little time to become aware of yourself and your surroundings. Get up slowly and then you can move around slowly.

In deep spiritual terms, meditation is a process of connecting the self consciousness which is a spark of the infinite universal energy; with the supreme consciousness, the infinite universal energy itself; like connecting a small electric bulb with the infinite source of power by a live wire, a super conductive highway. This connection opens the door of infinite universal life energy (also called pranic energy) to the mankind which in normal sleep state, only a fraction of it is possible to be tapped. 

Beyond meditation lies the state of Samadhi, a state when your consciousness is merged with the super consciousness of the infinite power, the God. You, yourselves achieve and become the super consciousness, a state beyond which nothing is left to be known. The knower (the self), the process of knowing and the known (the universal supreme power, the God) becomes one. At this state, one knows the mystery of the universe and mystery of life and death. In the Bhagwad Gita, the Lord Krishna himself has explained the mystery of Yoga and Meditation to Arjuna following which the Jiva (the soul of human beings) can merge with the spirit (the Supreme Soul, the Paramatma).

However, the beginners should not look for any immediate results or miracle but continue meditation practice as a part of daily routine. Gradually you will start experiencing a feeling of lasting joy and happiness. You will become calmer and calmer day by day. The first sign of successful meditation is the constant joy felt within. The long practice of meditation will act as an elixir for your life improving your health and  curing completely many  ailments.
                                          Om Tat Sat… Tat tvam Asi
ओम् तत् सत्……………… तत्त्वमसि

Monday, 28 November 2016

The Anatomy of Bharat Bandh

The Anatomy of Bharat Bandh

Any successful bandh or protests require mass participation of common man, the Aam Aadmi. Example of successful bandhs & protests in India are the hartaals during freedom movement, protests during Nirbhaya case & Anna movement on Lokpal bill where people participated enmass. In the case of present bandh or protest today on demonetisation, there is hardly any participation by common man. It is a call given politicians, a fractured opposition.  The cause they say is the harassment of common man due to long ques in banks & impact on livelihood of poor. They are talikng of the problems to public but have no answer to the solution. People are generally happy with the move. The dark elements supporting black money economy & terror funding are badly affected What interest opposition has in saving them? Are they the part of problem? It appears to be so. And that's why the today's protest is complete failure.

How many farmers committed suicides in this country? How many soldiers & citizens have been killed in terror attacks? For such national  tragedies, no protest & bandhs were there by these so called sympathisers of common man. ! So dear politicians, don't befool the common man. it's your duplicity! You are fighting for your part of loot & politics, not for common man atleast.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Who funds the political parties…. It is the general public only

Who funds the political parties…. It is general public only

In a democracy, the political parties and the people, both are the stakeholders. Through election process, the winning candidates of the political parties form the government. It does not mean that the government is formed only by the majority party but the remaining parties, the so called oppositions too are the part of the government, otherwise, if they don’t have any role in government, they should sit outside the parliament and state assemblies and should not claim any salary and perks. Since the political parties and the people are the stakeholders, the government (meaning thereby all the political parties collectively) must ensure that it’s actions are always in the interest of general public and total transparency is maintained in their funding and expenses.

Alas, this is not the case!

The political parties need money to perform their various activities like election campaigning, advertising and publicity, organizing rallies, meetings, travels, salaries  and running the party show like a corporate house. It has also said that the political parties also resort to distribution of freebies and sometimes even hard cash illegally to influence the voters in it’s favour. From where the money comes to the political parties for all these expenses? Ultimately, the real source of the money can be traced to the pockets of general public only. The donations from corporate houses are nothing but money earned from the public by doing business. The donations by the party members and general public are also ultimately national wealth earned from the public only. The corporate donations also give rise to crony capitalism influencing government policies in its favour and earning profits, again from public only.

It is also said that the major source of political funding is black money and no political parties is left untouched by it. The trail of black money can also be traced back to the people’s legitimate money only. As per various reports, it is said that more than 80% of funding of major political parties comes from unknown sources. The present law permits political parties to collect small contribution up to an Rs 20,000 from anyone without asking for the particulars of the donor. If one wants to donate Rupees one lac to a political party, he/she can easily donate it by splitting the amount in five Rs. 20,000/- sums and donate as an unknown person. The party need not maintain any details of the donor. (However, ironically in recent demonetization drive, people were asked to record their identity proof to exchange their own old two thousand Rupees with new notes).

Why the governments, the present as well as pervious ones and all the political parties collectively adopt double standards? They form one set of laws for general public and another set of law for political parties. The present demonetization drive of government banning Rs. 500/- and Rs. 1000/- notes to eradicate the black money has been generally welcomed by the public in spite of hardship of standing in ques and even with some unfortunate deaths. In spite of this, the opposition parties are also playing politics and opposing the government’s move of demonetization but are silent on their own funding through black economy. Until and unless these loopholes in political funding are not plugged, no drive will be successful in eliminating the black money economy totally. Therefore, the present government must take at least the following action if they are really sincere and interested in eliminating black money from the Indian economic system;

1.     Implement laws to ensure 100% transparency in political funding and expenses including submission of timely audited accounts to Election Commission.
The sources of all small or big contributions, even if it is rupees one has to be declared.  

2.     People are encouraged for digital transactions whereas political parties will gladly accept upto Rs. 20,000/- in cash from an unknown source. This is to be stopped.

·       Implement laws to ban any cash transaction donations as well as expenditures and ensure it through digital transactions only.
·       Details of all donations (even if it is one Rupee) and expenses are to be maintained online on their party websites.

3.     Implement laws to bring all political parties under RTI.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Need to Widen Tax Net in India

The salaried class who pay income tax at source always look towards government for concessions on tax rates in every budget year after year. While they pay income tax at source,  many other class of citizens like traders, small businessman, professionals like doctors and lawyers find ways to evade tax though their actual income may be well above taxable limits. Financial analysts are also repeating time and again  that the government should focus on increasing the tax net instead of announcing fresh income tax measures, endless surcharge and cess. The senior citizens who are not covered with any pension  scheme and whose only source of income is interest earnings from their life time savings are badly hit in the recent times due to falling interest rates.

It is estimated that only about 3 per cent of over 1.25 billion people in the country are paying income tax. The number of people who declare annual income of over Rs 1 crore is abysmally low at just around 50,000 in the country which is an insignificant figure of just 0.004 per cent. Looking at the prosperity of the people with few economic health indicators like palatial houses, numbers of cars & SUVs they possess, frequent air travels within & outside the country will definitely establish that many of them may be tax evaders.

The government's recent move to demonetise Rs 500 & Rs 1000 notes to weed out black money and efforts to compel people to use of e-transactions, plastic money, mobile wallets and opening of bank accounts by more & more people should yield surprIsing result in few years in widening the tax net.  The government should also put a limit on cash transactions to avoid creation of black money. With the widening of tax net & greaters compliance due to technological benefits, it is hoped that the government will find it easier to reduce tax rates in near future, may be in the forthcoming general budget.

Arvind Kejriwal, the CM of Delhi has raised a very logical point that he has not seen any black money hoarders outside the bank ques to exchange money and only common man is suffering standing in que.

Agreed! Arvind Kejriwal is absolutely right. But the people of this country have also not seen Arvind Kejriwal standing in the que for money exchange. Similarly, non of the other opposition leaders who are shouting in parliament & outside agaist demonetisation taking a shield of common man are seen standing in ques for exchange of money, except Rahul Gandhi who got exchanged his old Rs 4000 notes once. The people of this country are greatly  puzzled how these leaders are managing their lives without money exchange! Are they getting new notes from back channels or, are they surviving on thin air without new notes? It would be a great help to the country man if they can suggest how to survive on thin air without money? Or, do they fall in the logical category of black money hoarders as suggested by Arvind Kejriwal who do not stand in que? Does Arvind Kejriwal, himself fall in the black money hoarders category?

About Rahul Gandhi, it should be very paiful for the citizens of this country that he is surviving  on Rs 4000 only till now like a beggar and has not returned back for further money exchange or withdrawal. Under which category he falls, he only knows!

The other derivation can be that some other persons or agencies are footing the bills for day to day expenses of these politicians.

हाथी के दांत दिखाने के और खाने के अलग अलग होते है.

Few Questions to Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Former Prime Minister of India

Few Questions to Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Former Prime Minister of India

The Congress men are rejoicing over the statement, the Former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh made yesterday in Parliament slamming the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes by Modi government and terming it as a " monumental mismanagement " that might dent GDP by 2%. He has also said that he was convinced that demonetisation had led to "organised loot and legalised plunder"

Every coin has two side. For a coin to realise it's full value, both the sides are essential and important; one cannot ignore one for the other. Now let us come to the personality of Dr Manmohan Singh. Nobody can be more experienced and personally draw more respect for his integrity & honesty other than Dr. Manmohan Singh, the former Prime Minister of India, former Finance Minister, former Chief Economic Adviser, former Finance Secretary, former Dy. Chairman of Planning Commission & former RBI Governer. Time will only tell where the observations of this great personality will stand with the passage of time and what further actions the present government follows or does not follow to weed out corruption & stop genetation of another cycle of black money. However, although, I am not an economist, I am simply applying common sense and feel that Dr Manmohan Singh's statement raises more questions than answers. The questions look like are;

1 (a). How much loss the GDP has suffered during 2004 to 2014 during the two terms he had presided over as Prime Minister of India due to hoards of "Monumental Scams", the country has witnessed?

1 (b). How much NPAs were created in Indian banks during the UPA-1 and UPA-2 regimes and how much loss the GDP has suffered due to these NPAs?

2. Is the loss to the nation due to points1 (a & b) above not an "organised loot and legalised plunder"?

3. How much loss the GDP has suffered due to a huge size of black money economy flourishing in Independent India since 1947?

4. What actions Dr. Manmohan Singh's government took during it's ten year tenure to;

 (i) weed out the black money economy and,

(ii) recover NPAs of Banks?

Without asking further widely talked questions as to where the government's real power was centred during Dr. Singh's terms as Prime Minister and actions taken & not taken by his government under compulsions of coalition dharma, every Indians has right to ask atleast the above mentioned questions.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

A Letter to the Common Men by a Common Man...

A Letter to the Common Men by a Common Man...

Dear Common Men,

The noisy, chaotic & disgraceful scenarios enacted daily in New Delhi, inside the parliament and outside on streets by the opposition parties singularly united over the demonetisation drive of the government show their desperation to support the evil of black money economy, the very foundation of their own existence too (more than 80% of their funding is from uknown sources and they are reluctance to come under RTI).  While with few exceptions, the country is gradually returning to normalcy with the ques outside banks getting shorter & people switching to digital transactions, the cry of opposition leaders is getting more louder & disruptive. Yesterday, around 200 MPs had gathered and stood in ques at Delhi's Jantar Mantar to protest against the government's decision of demonetisation. They were seen arrogantly enjoying like a picnic, laughing, shouting, displaying slogans for common man without any real pain on their faces. It is also reported that on 28th Nov. 2016, they have given a call for Bharat Bandh, a call by the CM of West Bengal on the same issue, in an effort to cloud the nation with the Bengal's bandh culture which ruined the state for long. She may have her own multiple interests in the protests like;  to support her vote bank, the illegal entrants from Bagladesh to WB who do not have bank accounts, to save all black money hoarders in an alliance with her party, to save receipts of fake Indian currencies for political activities through Bangladesh boarder  etc. etc. Huge deposits totalling to around Rs. 21000 crores is reported in Jan Dhan Yojna in West Bengal alone, the maximum, shows how the channels operate there. These political tamashas are being played in the name of your hardship, the common men's hardship though it is becoming more and more evident that the real purpose behind is to save their own hard hit amassed black money and it's direct & indirect conduits within and outside the country. A vulgar video which became viral on social media few days back gives a little glimpse of the people affectef by demonetisation drive. These leaders have never displayed such a solidarity among them in past when the country witnessed many heinous crimes & unfortunate incidents against common man, like; Nirbhaya gang rape, killing of innocent people by terrorists, beheading and mutilation of Indian soldiers at the front, pathetic health facilities in the country, people dieing on the road without treatment, people carrying dead bodies on their shoulders  & bicycles in absence of ambulances,  poor infrastructure, train accidents, terrorist attacks, murders, rapes, poor education facilities where even teachers fail in basic tests and importantly on the life threatening  cancerous evil of black money and hoards of monumental scams involving leaders from all parties. Their apathy towards these evils establishes a direct & close link of these politicians with ill gotten black money.  It establishes that their present cry is only & only for their own pain, forget the cause of common men.

The politicians and common men of this country have only  one relation; that is of a political contesting candidate & voter. The ongoing tamasha is only for the vote & self survival. The common men have been standing in ques for the last 70 years to avail ration cards, driving licence, to get treatment in hospitals, railway tickets, airports,  in temples to have darshan and even for casting votes and these politicians shamelessly enjoy VIP access to all facilities bypassing the common men. Their hearts do not bleed for common men while getting such VIP treatments which they blatantly claim as their birth right. They also enjoy subsidised food in parliament, free telephone facilities, free electricity, free travel and many more direct & indirect  subsidised facilities and even get life pension after serving a term. Their hearts do not melt for common men on the street while enjoying these facilities and subsidies. Is it not their duplicacy and sheer  insensitivity to the common men?

The demonetisation step while turning the mammoth black money kept in hard cash into waste papers has also cut the arms of Pakistan which was pumping large volumes of fake Indian currency into India to fund terror & anti national activities. India has been paying a heavy price because of this evil designs of Pakistan and loosing lives of large numbers of our brave soldiers & citizens in terror attacks. After the demonetisation, even the stone pelting activities in Kashmir have come to a halt. This explains more that the demonetisation was essential for the safety & security of the nation. The common men is generally happy with the government's move of demonetisation even after facing hardships in ques but the opposition is bent upon to encash the common men's hardship purely out of their political need and vested interests. The opposition had also failed in it's duty to provide any constructive suggestion and support to ease the hardship of common men due to demonetisation till now.

No political party has admitted and will admit that they thrive on black money economy but the incidences of vulgar display of their wealth on few occasions like marriages, huge  rallies, astronomical election expenses, distribution of freebies & use of money to buy votes, huge sums of money caught by police during election time etc. established otherwise.

India is very tolerant country. You, the common man are very tolerant, busy in your daily survival routines and not much interested in getting involved in national issues except casting your vote once in five years. Most of the intelligentsia in the country are also too busy in their self pursuit of comfort, partisan politics, writing speeches & articles from their cosy air conditioned  drawing rooms and delivering paid lectures. But, your silence, the silence and tolerance of the common man is ruining you and therefore, these barriers of silence need to be broken. You  need to become your own voice. Don't wait for an incarnation to arrive and save you. You, the common man needs to rise from the slumber and neutralise the destructive designs of the politicians who take your false shield to cover up their sins. Why not the common man assemble in mass at Jantar Mantar and show their solidarity with the government' s decision on demonetisation? Why there is not a candle march in every city & towns? Don't wait and allow these politicians to ruin the future of your children, future of your country and your own well being. The black money cleansing operation of the government need your support. As Swami Vivekananda said "Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached". You stand up, it's your time and your time has come now to thwart the evil designs of these leaders.

A common man

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

हाथी के दांत दिखाने के और खाने के अलग अलग होते है

Arvind Kejriwal, the CM of Delhi has raised a very logical point that he has not seen any black money hoarders outside the bank ques to exchange money and only common man is suffering standing in que.

Agreed! Arvind Kejriwal is absolutely right. But the people of this country have also not seen Arvind Kejriwal standing in the que for money exchange. Similarly, non of the other opposition leaders who are shouting in parliament & outside agaist demonetisation taking a shield of common man are seen standing in ques for exchange of money, except Rahul Gandhi who got exchanged his old Rs 4000 notes once. The people of this country are greatly  puzzled how these leaders are managing their lives without money exchange! Are they getting new notes from back channels or, are they surviving on thin air without new notes? It would be a great help to the country man if they can suggest how to survive on thin air without money? Or, do they fall in the logical category of black money hoarders as suggested by Arvind Kejriwal who do not stand in que? Does Arvind Kejriwal, himself fall in the black money hoarders category?

About Rahul Gandhi, it should be very paiful for the citizens of this country that he is surviving  on Rs 4000 only till now like a beggar and has not returned back for further money exchange or withdrawal. Under which category he falls, he only knows!

The other derivation can be that some other persons or agencies are footing the bills for day to day expenses of these politicians.

हाथी के दांत दिखाने के और खाने के अलग अलग होते है.

Monday, 21 November 2016

भारत सरकार की नोट बंदी......विपक्ष की खोखली मानव संवेदना और घड़ियाली आंसू....

भारत सरकार की नोट बंदी......विपक्ष की खोखली मानव संवेदना और घड़ियाली आंसू....

लगभग सारे विपक्ष के दिग्गज नेता गला फाड़ फाड़कर और  चिल्ला चिल्ला कर आम आदमी के लिए अपनी संवेदना दिखा रहे है। कुछ लोगों की नोट बदलने की कतार में मौत हुई है। यह बड़े दुख की बात है। नोट बदलने की प्रक्रिया को सरल और युद्ध स्तर पर कार्यरत किया जाना चाहिए था। प्रबंधन को बेहतर बनाया जा सकता था। पर नोट बंदी राष्ट्र पर लगे काले धन रुपी कर्क रोग (cancer)  पर कई उपचारों में से एक बहुत ही कारगर औषधि और एक संकेत भी है, इसमें संदेह नही। इस बात पर प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रत्यक्ष रुप से शुरु में लगभग सभी राजनीतिक दलों ने सहमति दिखाई थी। कोई चारा भी नही था । यदि विरोध दिखाते तो यह प्रकट हो जाता कि झ्नके पास काला धन है। बाद में लम्बी लम्बी कतारों और कुछ दुखद मृत्युओं की आड़ मिल जाने से (शायद इसी का इन्तजार भी था) काले धन के उपर नोट बंदी रुपी औषधि को इन्होंने आम आदमी विरोधी करार दिया है। फलस्वरूप लगभग सारा विपक्ष मौसेरे भाइयों की तरह इकट्ठा हो गया है। आम लोगों के लिए इनके घड़ियाले आंसू रोके नही रुक रहे है। कोई सरकार के कदम को आपातकाल बता रहा है तो कोई दंगो की बात कर रहा है। शायद यही लोग दंगे करवा सकने के लिए समर्थ भी है। कुछ दल तो अपना काला धन बचाने के लिए नोट बंदी के निर्णय को वापस लेने की मांग कर रहे है। लोक सभा और राज्य सभा का कार्य किसी न किसी बहाने से ठप्प करवा दिया है। इनके  शब्दों के मायाजाल के प्रदर्शन से ऐसा लग रहा है देश की सारी जनता से इनका खून का रिश्ता है। यदि यह सच्चाई होती तो आज सारा आम आदमी  और देश विपक्ष के साथ खड़ा हुआ होता। लेकिन सच्चाई और ही है। असल में तो गहरा आघात और जोर का धक्का धीरे से  सभी दलों पर पड़ा है। कई वर्षों की इन लोगों की व्यक्तिगत और अपने राजीतिक पक्षों का काला धन कबाड़ में बदल गया है। इसे न तो खाते बनता है और न उगलते बनता है। आश्चर्य की बात तो ये है कि इन राजनेताओं का ऐसा घनिष्ठ संबंध जनता के साथ होता तो जनता को ये दिन देखना नही पड़ा होता।  जनता का राजनीतिक दलों ने अपनी राजीति की दुकान चलाने के लिए हमेशा उपयोग किया है। उनका नाता आम आदमी से एक मत (vote) के अलावा कुछ नही है। इस नाते को भुनाने के लिए राजनीतिक दल जाति, धर्म, गरीबी, भूख, हत्या,आत्महत्या, बलात्कार, मुफ्तखोरी का प्रोत्साहन, लालच, वोट की खरीद फरोक्त, जाल, साज, झूठ और नाना प्रकार के आडम्बर और यहाँ तक की सेना की शहादत और राष्ट्र विरोधी कृत्यों का भी प्रयोग करने से नही चुकते। आज तो ये लगता है कि ये चिल्लाने वाले सभी नेता और दल काले धन रखने वालों के असल में प्रवक्ता बन गए है। लगता है ये लोग आम आदमी और राष्द्रहीत की जगह काले धन कुबेरों के राजनेता बन गए है।

उपरोक्त विषंगतियाँ भारत जैसे प्रजातन्त्र मे सर्व विदित है। भारत का नागरिक आज काफी प्रबुद्ध हो गया है। इसीलिए कहते है कि ये तो पबिलक है, ये सब जानती है।

तब भी एक बार मान लेते है कि इन राजनेताओं को सचमुच आम आदमी की बहुत चिन्ता है।सचमुच ये लोग सत्ता और बेसुमार काले घन के लालची नही है। सचमुच ये लोग गरीब और आम आदमी के मांई - बाप है और इन्हें नोट बदलने के लिए कतार में खड़े देखकर गहन रुप से पीड़ा का अनुभव कर रहे है। लेकिन इस बात को मानने के बाद और भी गम्भीर पीड़ा ये हो रही है कि इन घड़ियाली आंसू बहाने वाले नेताओं में से एक भी नेता और दलों को अपनी गाढ़ी सफेद या काली कमाई से एक रुपया भी  नोट बदलने के लिए कतारों में खड़े आम आदमी में बांटते नही देखा।  रुपया बांटना तो दूर पानी पिलाने तक के लिए सामने नही आए और न तो कोई इन्तजाम किया। राहुल गांधी अपनी सुरक्षा फौज के साथ करोड़ों रुपए की गाड़ी में नोट बदलवाने जरुर आए लेकिन अपने चार हजार रुपयों में से एक पैसा भी कतार में खड़े व्यक्ति या किसी जरूरतमंद आदमी को नही दिया। केजरीवाल जो जनता का एक एक करोड़ रुपए किसी आत्महत्या पर राजनीति भूनाने के लिए ऐसे ही  दे देते थे, उन्होंने एक रुपया भी कतार में खड़े व्यक्ति को या कतार में खड़े व्यक्ति की अकस्मात मौत पर उसके रिश्तेदारों को नही दिया । ममता, माया, लालू, शरद, सिताराम, गुलाम नबी, सिंधिया कोई भी कतार में खड़े आम आदमी को एक पैसा या पानी देते नही दिखे।हां, इन्ही आदमी को ढाल बनाकर अपनी राजनीतिक रोटियाँ सेंकना अपना स्वघोषित जन्म सिद्ध अधिकार और कर्तव्य बताते नही थकते। ये लोग या इनके प्रवक्ता पार्लियामेंट या टी. वी. पर आम आदमी के लिए खूब शोर मचाते है। यह इनके दोगले पन का सूचक है। इनके दांत हाथी के दांत जैसे खाने के और दिखाने के अलग अलग होते है।

ये तो पब्लिक है सब जानती है! इसलिए हे आम आदमी, तुम इन स्वार्थी राजनेताओं की झूठी मानव संवेदना, शब्दों के खोखले मायाजाल और धाड़ियाली आंसुओं पर कदापि मत जाओ। अपने राष्ट्रहित को पहिचानों।

जय हिन्द...

Thursday, 17 November 2016

विमुद्रीकरण और उसके बाद....

आम आदमी के लिए नेताओं को इतना परेशान होते कभी नही देखा था । ऐसा लगता है उनकी रातों की नींद उड़ गई हो, सो नही पा रहे है। कोई दंगे करवाने की बात करता है, कोई बगावत की। कोई आर्थिक आपातकाल कहता है, कोई राष्ट्रपति से गुहार लगाने पहुंच जाता है। कोई बड़ी बड़ी गाड़ियो अपनी सुरक्षा फौज के साथ आकर पुराने नोट बदलने आ जाता है या एटीम में पहुंच जाता है। कोई विमुद्रीकरण् को वापस लेने की माँग करता है। कोई कहता डरा डरा कहता है कहता है कि काम तो सही हुआ है लेकिन तरीका और समय गलत है। आज तो हद हो गई, एक कांग्रेस नेता ने बैंक की लाइन में दुर्भाग्यवश मौतों की पाकिस्तानी आतंकवाद से उरी में सैनिकों की शहादत से तुलना कर दी है।

ये सभी कहते  नही थकते है कि ये सब दुध के धुले है। सारे राजा हरिश्चन्द्र से कम इमानदार नही है। लेकिन सच्चाई यह है कि इन राजनेताओं की जमीन काले धन पर टिकी हुई है। इनकी पार्टी का 80% से ज्यादा धन अज्ञात श्रोतों से आता है। ये सभी दल सूचना के अधिकार के कानून के अन्दर नही आना चाहते। चुनावों में मनमाना धन कहाँ से आता है? वोटों की खरीद फरोक्त कहाँ से होती है? इनका व्यक्तिगत काला धन कितना है इन्हें ही पता है? इनकी बेनामी संपति कितनी है? कितना सोना है? विदेशी बैंकों में कितना पैसा छुपाया हुआ है? नेता- बाबू के अपवित्र गठजोड़ तो सर्व विदीत ही है। आजादी के बाद से आज तक के कुतुबमिनार से भी बड़े घोटाले आम जनता से छिपे नही है, कोई चारा खा गया तो कोई कोयला। रक्षा खर्चों में कितना पैसा खाया गया कोई हिसाब नही है। उदाहरण अनगिनत है।

इनकी आम जनता के लिए स्वघोषित व्याकुलता देखते बनती है। यही व्याकुलता देखकर ही लगता है और सिद्ध भी होता है कि तीर सही निशाने पर लगा है। चोट भी सही जगह पर लगी है। आम आदमी तो प्रायः सरकार के कदम से प्रसन्न है। प्रधानमंत्री मोदी के तारीफ़ के पूल भी बांध रहा है। इतनी व्याकुलता इन नेताओं ने सच्चाई से आज तक की होती और सच्चाई से इनकी आर्थिक और सामाजिक स्थिति को बदलने के लिए की होती तो आज विमुद्रीकरण की जरुरत ही नही होती। भारत विकसित देश की श्रंखला में महत्वपूर्ण स्थान पर होता, इसमें दो राय नही। विमुद्रीकरण एक स्वच्छता अभियान है। इसमें कुछ परेशानी तो होगी। यह परेशानी सीमा पर देश के लिए सीने पर गोली खाने वाले सिपाही की परेशानी से कई गुना छोटी है और कुछ दिनों की है।

जय हिन्द।

Saturday, 12 November 2016

India, Demonetisation 2016 and after

Majority of people all over the country, even after standing in long ques in banks & ATMs for hours are happy with the demonetisation step taken by government. Only their self styled, self declared and self certified well wishers and so called care takers, all opposition parties are taking shield of these very people to justify their opposition to the black money cleansing drive. The equation to understand their frustration is very simple and does not require very high common sense. More the noise they make, more the black money they have. Some even are saying that the government has imposed financial emergency. Kejriwal is asking for roll back. They are absolutely right! Yes, it is financial emergency on black money hoarders, tax evaders, fake currency racketeers and terrorist outfits. It is the war against crime they are involved against the nation.  It was required to cut their roots, may be partially and which had been done in a single blow, in a surgical style, may be till another cycle of black money creation starts. But, it is a bold step. People are ready to undergo inconvenience but the desh bhakt  & janta ke sevak, greedy politicians are not. Because, they are the most affected. Their roots of black money are cut, Their black money kept in hard cash atleast has  become wothless papers. Their benami properties and gold deposits are still untouched, which should be the next step by the government. Thats the reason one person in the company of one leader from UP was seen on a video viral on social network using "gandi gaalies" for the PM of the country. This is the level of the citizens of India! So, their abuse and opposition is due to the financial emergency imposed on them. For honest tax payers and honest citizens, it is not a financial emergency but with little or some  inconvenience, the filth of their nation is being cleansed for which they are happy. So, dear politicians, don't show your fake sympathy towards us. We are capable of taking care of ourselves. You deserve this financial emergency for the national loot and black money. In fact you deserve a permanent place in jail for looting the nation. So, be happy for now and who knows, jail may not be too far!

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Black Money, the Dirty Money

Black Money, the Dirty Money.....

Few political parties like Congress has been taking shelters of poor & common man for long time. They popularised the slogans like "garbi hatao", "Congress ka haath, garibon ke saath" etc. for winning elections & ruling the country. Sixty years of Congress regime has, may be deliberately kept the people  poor, ignorant, illiterate, divided over caste, race, communal lines, dalits, non dalits etc. to exploit them as vote banks. Their regimes also witnessed many monumental scams involving loots of lacs & lacs of crores of public money & allowing creation of a parallel economy of dirty black money but hardly any politician got punished.

On the historic surgical strike by PM, Modi on withdrawal of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes from circulation to eradicate menace of dirty black money, tax evasion, corruption, fake currencies and terrorism is a bold one. This move is welcomed and lauded by general masses all over the country but unfortunately, Congress is again taking the shelter of poor & common man to criticise the move which is intriguing. How long you will shield yourselves in the name of poor? Why you have not taken such a bold steps in your long regimes to eradicate black money? In the process, are you not defending the black money hoarders, corrupt and enemies of the countries producing fake currencies and sponsoring terrorism?

Let us come to the other angle of the move. It is not a secret that more than 80% funding of all major political parties including Congress & BJP is from undiscosed sources. It means the sources of funding can be questionable too. Huge election expenditure is incurred by candidates in state and parliamentary elections and even in local body elections. Thousands of crores of rupees are caught many timed by police & other agencies before elections. This shows that the funding of political parties is also from questionable sources. Also, practically all political parties are hugely opposed to the idea of  coming under the ambit of RTI, the principal reason for which is obvious. In one stroke, PM, Modi has made the use of black money in elections redundant, atleast temporarily in the forthcoming state elections like Punjab & UP. This move will create many personal enemies of Modi, including from his own party. Modi has taken a heavy risk for himself but as a shrewd politician, he must have considered all the associated risks. He has still at half time and within next two and half years with the wiping out of black money from the system, the economy should move to a high growth trajectory. As a result, the bold move may also pay rich dividents to PM, Modi in 2019 parliamentary elections.

Many other political parties, though internally might be opposed to the move, take a brave front outside publically to welcome the move but with some ifs & buts, and use the same shiels of poor & common man as that of Congress. Some other parties like Trinamul, JDU etc. are vehemently opposing the move.

Will the move by government will stop the creation of black money in future? As it seems, may not. However, it will take time to generate another cycle of black money creation. The government is also going to issue Rs 2000 bills which will make it easier for black money hoarders to start another cycle of black money economy. The introduction of Rs 2000 notes is puzzling from this consideration. The government should have not done this and  simultaneously incentivised the use of plastic Money and electronic money transfers. Hope such incentives and tax concessions will be brought by the government in due course for non cash transactions.

We, the public specially those in remote areas and those without any access to banking facilities will definitely face some hardship for some time to come. However, this may be a small price we have to pay for eradicating the menace of black money & cause of national security. This pain is a temporary one which we should undergo for long term gains to the health of  nation. We need to remember the pain of a soldiers at the front  sacrificing his life for the safety & security of nation and people like us who sleep in peace because of them. Our pain will be negligible as compared to the pain of such  soldiers.

So, let us welcome the government's move wholeheartedly.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

My India....Your India

My India.....Your India....

On the boarder and within Indian  territories, Pakistan has been engaging itself in promoting, nurturing and sponsoring terrorist attacks supported by it's army & ISI. LOC itself is on fire and our brave soldiers are giving befitting replies to Pak. Indian army and para military forces are also paying supreme sacrifice by soldiers martyred on the front every now and then. We salute to them.  Because of them we are able to sleep peacefully.  The surgical strike in POK by our army was one such, never before befitting reply. This has created great feeling of nationalism & pride within the Indian public and with the free hand given to army, Pakistan is bleeding & feeling the pinch of isolation in the international comminity. Modi government has implemented OROP which the Congress & other alliance parters did not do it for 40 years. There may be some anomalies as it always happen even in pay scale revisions in government sector and the same are being sorted out. The suicide by a retired soldier is unfortunate and matter of grief for everybody. We all need to pray for the peace of the soul of the departed soldier.

This hour has been greatly disappointing for us, the common people of this country as our politicians, specially the oppostion parties, lead by Congress, AAP and others have let down us. We have voted these politicians to sit in opposition and provide a constructive support for the welfare of the society and uplifting the country. We have never voted them to create nuisance on the road and electronic media. They are displaying highly disgusting behaviour at all places, creating tamashs like jokers to feed to their self survival instict.  They are not sparing human deaths also. They are not sparing common man's death also. They play caste politics. They play communal politics. They play farmer's politics. They play army men's politics. They are fighting even for anti national activists and terrorists shot down by Bhopal police. Whoes cause they are serving? Only vote bank cause and certainly not the Indian cause.  They are supporting and sympathise with people who want to break India in thousand pieces. Who want " Bharat ki barbadi'. My head is bent down in shame to see that these are the politicians  my country has produced.  What has happenef to the great Congress party, leave aside children political parties like AAP? Who is running it? Has it become bankrupt of ideas? These people are not realising the great damage they are causing to the idea of India.  Today, with their brazen acts,  they are not only diverting government & armed forces attention who are engaged in a war like situation on the boarder and weakening INDIA's united strength & power. Their dirty & cheap lust for power knowingly or unknowingly giving strength to Pakistan and damaging the cause of India. Are not their actions anti national? They will not admit it and instantly claim that they are doing it for the country and the people of the country, the people like us.

So, what is the agenda of all these political parties who are  unstoppably engaged in creating chaos and misunderstanding mong the minds of people? It does'nt need a great intellect to find it. The agenda is simply to suspend normalcy in the country and create roadblocks in the path of Modi government to stop it from pursuing it's development agenda. It may also be possible that some of these parties might be getting external support and finances also, who knows, to de-establise India and stop it from acquiring a dominant position in the international arena. The equation is simple.  Modi government's failure today and during next two & half year is the net gain of the opposition combine in 2019 parliamentary elections.

 And so what is course of action left for us, for we, the people of this country? I believe that the present Indian era is dominated by younger population, which is in a hurry to get rid of past letharging governance and looking for fast developments, millions & millions of jobs, world class infrastructure, world class health facilities, quality education and qualiry services. We have to depend on them to lead us from the darkers shades of older & corrupt political culture to effective, honest and corporate like result oriented political & governance culture. We, with them, the younger generation must use our wisdom to see through the tricks & tamashas of today's politicians and punish them harder in 2019 parliamentary  and forthcoming state elections. I am not a bhakt of any political party but believe in the theory of "Nation First". Also, the security & integrity of the country is of paramount importance for all of us  which need to be given the highest priority in our minds and accordingly our actions & choices are to be guided solely. So, let us come together and be "INDIAN" in true sense, act "INDIAN" in true sense and think "INDIAN" in true sense.

Jai Hind.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Indian Independence Act, 1947

“Indian Independence Act, 1947.

BE it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :- 1.-(i) As from the fifteenth day of August, nineteen hundred The new and forty-seven, two independent Dominions shall be set up in Dominions. India, to be known respectively as India and Pakistan. (2) The said Dominions are hereafter in this Act referred to as the new Dominions ", and the said fifteenth day of August is hereafter in this Act referred to as " the appointed day ". “

The above are the excerpts from the Indian Independence Act 1947 passed by British Parliament. As per the historical facts, the legislation was formulated by the government of Prime Minister Clement Attlee and the Governor General of India Lord Mountbatten, after representatives of the Indian National Congress, the Muslim League, and the Sikh community came to an agreement with the Viceroy of India, Lord Mountbatten of Burma, on what has come to be known as the 3 June Plan or Mountbatten Plan. This plan was the last plan for independence.

This act highlights a fact that as per British government, India and Pakistan are the two Dominions of Britain. It is also said that as per the Transfer of Power Agreement with British, India is on lease for 99 years which means has not severed links with British.  It is also said that the transfer of power act has certain financial and other obligation imposed on India which India has to abide. The transfer of power agreement is said to be a secret document.

This raises questions in mind!

Are we really free, independent and sovereign nation?

The full facts must come out in public.

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Congress, accusing “Khoon ki Dalali” and beyond...

Congress, accusing “Khoon ki Dalali” and beyond...

During a rally last week, the vice president of the so called grand oldest Congress Party, Rahul Gandhi, accused the prime minister, Narendra Modi government of hiding behind the sacrifices of Indian soldiers. He did not stop at that and went on further to accuse Prime Minister of "khoon ki dalali". Many termed it as histrionic reaction, a Kejriwal style to remain relevant when popularity of Modi government is on the rise post first surgical strike of its kind in PoK. All it started by Sanjay Nirupan and Digvijay Singh and then Gandhi, himself picking up the threads and calling government’s actions as "khoon ki dalali”; meaning government is profiteering from the blood of our brave soldiers. The follow up press conferences by Kapil Sibbal and Hooda were no less dramatic defending the indefensible. The general masses and the intellectual felt like lowering their heads in shame witnessing such a low level of politics when the people and politicians were needed to stand united as a solid rock while Pakistan is trying to de-stabilise the nation by accelerating terror strikes on the country. My interpretation is that if the things continue in the same order in Congress and the ruling BJP do not falter drastically in future, the Congress might be disseminated to the extreme margin during 2019 parliamentary elections. Does this good for Indian democracy? Certainly not! In a healthy democracy, constructive criticism of the government is necessary for the existence of a Parliamentary system. Otherwise, as the saying goes; the power corrupts and the absolute power corrupts absolutely. Also, if the Congress party continues to hit self goals and lowers itself to totally insignificant position, the splinter groups of regional parties having their own multiple claimants for the position of prime minister will use opportunities to play partisan politics to extract fulfilments of conflicting regional goals which will totally disarray the political order.

So, what the Congress party should do to remain relevant as a principle opposition party today and to simultaneously emerge as principle challenger for power in 2019 elections? The party has to seriously ponder over the state of affairs. Is Rahul Gandhi capable of leading the party to sizable gain of seats in 2019 elections? Is the Sonia Gandhi-Rahul Gandhi and even Priyanka Gandhi combine capable of providing a coherent leadership to direct the party to a respectable perception change by Indian populace? Does the dynastic tag of Nehru Gandhi family left enough potency to attract the new India voters comprising of the largest younger population in the world? Does the Congress left with any values for democratic ideologies?  Is the party not full of sycophants; “yes” men, each willing to submit to the mercy of high command to find favour only to fulfil their own political aspirations? Do they possess enough courage to give constructive and rational advices to the party leaving aside personal whims and fancies and theories of vote bank politics? I find a negative answer to all these questions. Then, what course of action is left to Congress? It comes to suggesting an impossible possibility in the present scenario. Change the captain of the ship! The suggestion is to conduct a vertical and horizontal just overhaul of the party; a fresh party elections in a democratic way and evolve a democratic party functionaries minus the Gandhi family. Yes! Minus the Gandhi family! Let Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka relinquish the dynastic claims to top party posts and surrender the associated powers and finances it carries together to allow the party evolve as true democratic party. And remember; never play the old in-famous coup like the un-ceremonial ouster episode of Sitaram Kesri. You may be having the control of the party finances and other secretive powers but the “Nation India” is above the family and powers. If you, the Congress party want to gain the past glory, you have to consume the bitter pills. You will remain and remain at a much higher pedestal than today in the annals of history of Indian politics.  But, as I said, these are impossible possibilities. The lust for power and money is greater than the nation in today’s politics! So, keep fingers crossed!

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Surgical Indian Politics!

Expel Rahul Gandhi from Congress......

I wonder what happened to the people of my country, specially the political class. they have gone down to the lowest level of gutter politics when the need of the hour is to remain UNITED and stand as AS A SOLID FORCE to neutralise the design of enemy country nurturing and exporting terrorists to our country. I feel ashamed to have such politicians in my country. It was Arvind Kejriwal first, followed by Sanjay Nirupam and now the prince of Congress, Rahul Gandhi. Khoon ki dalaali......Oh  my God, votes are greater than nation, power is greater then the lives of martyrs for these people..... And we the country men are watching helplessly! What we can do? Yes, we can do atleast the following;

Bycot all such politicians publicly, never attend their public meetings...treat them outcasts.

And the Congress, if it is the real Congress of Gandhi, Nehru, & Patel, the Congressmen have to unite and expel Rahul Gandhi from the Congress. If they can't, then you are not the real Congress. You are faking to be Congress.

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Man Ki Baat

I am delighted and feel proud that the Prime Minister, Shri  Narendra Modi could find time to communicate with the people through radio today and resolves to make it regular practice. I believe that the essence of such talks in his mind is very pure and divine, i.e. only of the nation building which no government has attempted in a sincere way till date. It is very right that if 1.25 billion people of the country take a single step, the nation moves by 1.25 billion steps ahead. But, it is really very important that we, the people of the country understand honestly the value and importance of this single step and move forward.
The Prime Minister, today has quoted a suggestion to make skill development a part of our education system right from the 5th standard. It is a wonderful suggestion and should be implemented. I have seen in Lviv, a place in Ukraine (erstwhile USSR) in 1983 that in a nearby tennis court adjacent to our work place, small kids were practicing tennis the entire days. I had realized that this was the way they were building future tennis stars like Maria Sharapova and Anna Kournikova.
In my opinion, along with skill development from 5th standard; our education system should also include compulsory moral education as a part of school curriculum right from 1st standard till 12th standard. The moral education should include patriotism, nationalism, feeling of nation first, respect for elders, universal brotherhood, values of honesty and integrity, love for family, friends, society and nation, respect for fellow human being, specially girls and women, right thinking and right action, unity of thoughts and actions etc. etc. Additionally, compulsory serving in army for a short period after graduation would not be a bad idea. The nation building this way, should start at the foundation level of a citizen and by doing so, I am sure that even the children would help in bringing back their disoriented parents on the right course. I also believe that the nation building is not one day job and has to be sustained as long as the nation lives.

Swachchha Bharat Abhiyan

Why success of “ Swachchha Bharat Abhiyan” needs support from everybody and each one of us?

India and Indians are regarded as one of the filthiest nation and filthiest people in the world. Don’t we feel ashamed on such tags? There is a famous saying in Hindi that “Kutta bhi jahan baithta hain, us jagah ko apni punch se saaph karke baithta hai…meaning“ a dog also cleans the space by its’ tail where it sits”; and we call ourselves human beings!!! Are we degraded ourselves to such low level?

Who is responsible for having acquired such a dirty tag? Are not each one of us? Answer would be a definite “Yes”. Leave aside illiterate & ignorant people, there are many instances of the so called educated people who keep their internal spaces of houses clean and throw the garbage outside from window, or near a neighbors’ house. Our civic authorities have become senselessly insensitive to filth and don’t do their duties dutifully. Instead, they have turned themselves into breeding grounds for corruption; found engaging fictitious people on pay roles. There are examples in the capital city where the cleanliness around a particular DDA road is supposed to be maintained by DDA and the cleanliness in the adjacent colony is to be maintained by MCD and it is considered a sin by these authorities to encroach in each other’s areas even for lifting the garbage lying adjacent. They just leave it rotting on the roads citing the division of territorial boundaries. There is no system of separating house wastes in degradable and non-degradable categories and disposing it accordingly. The garbage collection, transportation and dumping yards are maintained very badly. In big cities, a few waste to energy conversion plants are ill placed near to residential areas polluting even the air we breathe and in smaller places, public places become the dumping ground.
Is it a new fact that the filth any where creates breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other creatures which causes many life threatening diseases affecting civilization, causing huge losses to the families and the nation?
Never before in the past, any serious attempts have been made at national level on a sustainable basis to bring the awareness in the society about cleanliness and achieve a target of zero tolerance to filth around. The hon’ble Prime Minsiter, Shri Narendra Modi has taken the “Swachha Bharat Abhiyan” as a project to make India “filth free” by 2019, the 150th birth anniversary year of the father of nation, Mahatma Gandhi. This means, this is not going to a one day affair and is not merely an occasion for ministers and leaders to be photographed with a “Jhadoo”; the broom (Arvind Kejriwal must be feeling either threatened as his party symbol “Jhadoo” appears to be hijacked or must be delighted as the “Jhadoo” is getting free publicity) on 2nd Oct. 2014. Many political parties are averse and are criticizing this noble endeavor as they are obliged by their bad habits of criticizing for the sake of criticizing. The drive has to be sustained and it can be sustained only if it becomes a “Jan Andolan”, a peoples’ movement, which the PM is trying seriously. It is indeed needed to be sustained by each and every one of us to remove the dirty tag “the filthiest people” from the face of India and stand in the world arena with dignity holding our head high. Let us pledge to dedicate ourselves by actively getting involved in the cleaning operation wherever we are and devoting at least two hours weekly for the Abhiyan. 

Liquor Prohibition in Bihar

The efforts of Bihar, CM, Sh Nitish Kumar to re-introduce liquor prohibition on Gandhi Jayanti day in the state are laudable. He said that the liquor consumption is a social stigma and the evil is to be wiped out from the face of  society. He is right. Drinking liquor is not only a social stigma but also an evil which leads to destruction of health, wealth & families. The driking habit starts with social drinking but soon the habit of intoxication assumes a larger size, at the end becoming a fatal addiction. This not only happens in poor families in India but also well to do and educated families. It does not limits to men only but women also get addicted and evil spreads further to younger generations. The risks of intoxication are wider, not limited to drinkers'families but beyond in the society. It leads to physical injuries and even premature deaths. As per a report, intoxication accounts  for 30% of road accidents, 44% of fire injuries, 34% of falls and drownings, 16% of child abuse cases, 12% of suicides and10% of industrial accidents. In India, there are ample examples where large numbers of people die due to consumption of spurious liquor. The silent effects on the drinkers health are numerous. The damges to the vital organs of the body, mind and behaviour patterns starts gaining momentum as the quantity & frequency of drinking increases. The complete illness of body & mind takes over leading to loss of productivity, family repute and self respect. The damage even becomes irreversible. The bahavior patterns assumes criminal dimensions and  domestic violence, conflicts & fights become common affecting not only the family but the society as a whole.

 Many people argue in favour of liquor by calling themselves as social drinkers. They claim that they only have one or two pegs and they have self-control and so never get intoxicated. It is a fact that every alcoholic person  starts drinking  as a social drinker not intending  to become an alcoholic or a drunkard. Therefore, the need for total prohibition is justified.  Liquor business can be definitely is an immoral business in which even the governments get involve to earn revenues, forgetting the indirect damage it is causing to society & nation.

Well done Nitish Kumarji on this front leaving aside many controversies about infamous political compulsions.

While on the subject of prohibition, it is intriguing to note that the AAP government lead by Shri Arvind Kejriwal has issued many fresh licences for liquor shops in Delhi. Truly working for aam aadmi? At least, he should have learnt something good from Mahagathbandhan friend Nitish.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

आज का आरक्षण आन्दोलन

महाराष्ट्र में आजकल मराठा आरक्षण के लिए चल रहे आन्दोलन की जोरदार चर्चा है। मुख्य मंत्रि श्री देवेन्द्र फड़नवीश का भी बयान इसके पक्ष में आया है जो शायद उनकी राजीतिक आवश्यकता हो। लेकिन यथार्थ यह है कि इस तरह के सारे आन्दोलन जैसे कि पाटीदार आरक्षण आन्दोलन, जाट आरक्षण आन्दोलन और अब मराठा आरक्षण आन्दोलन देश को बांटने, देश को कमजोर करने और कुछ राजनीतिक लोगों की दुकानें चलाने के लिए होते है। भोले भाले लोगों का इसके लिए उपयोग होता है। इन आरक्षण की राजनीति करने वालों को शायद कुछ दुषित और स्वार्थी बाहरी ताकतों से शायद पैसा भी आता हो। देश को कमजोर करने के लिए। पाटीदार, जाट प्रायः धनी और प्रभावी परिवार - जाति है। मराठा भी उसी वर्ग में आता है।  राजनीति में भी इनका विशेष दबदबा है। कई प्रख्यात राजनेता मुख्य र्मंत्रि की कुर्सी पर लम्बे समय तक विराजमान रहे है। क्या वाकई इन्हें आरक्षणा की जरुरत है?इन्हें आरक्षण किसलिए चाहिए? वास्तव में आज देश की आजादी के करीब सत्तर साल बाद तो सारे आरक्षण बंद करने की बात होनी चाहिए। झ्सके लिए राष्ट्र व्यापि आन्दोलन होना चाहिए ।संविधान में इस विषय पर पुनरावलोकन करने का प्रावधान है। लेकिन ये देश का दुर्भाग्य है कि रोज देश में नए नए आरक्षण की आवाजों का कोलाहल होता है। क्याआरक्षण की मांग करने वाले किसी आरक्षण के कोटे से बनें अयोग्य डॉक्टर से अपनी सर्जरी या इलाज करवायेंगे? आज प्राविण्यता और मेरिट की बात होनी चाहिए। आरक्षण देना है तो कमजोर वर्ग को दो जो किसी भी जाति का हो। अपनी राजनीति की दुकान चलाने के लिए भोली भाली और गरीब जनता का उपयोग बंद करो। देश को और मत बांटों । देश को और पीछे मत ढकेलो। एक सच्चे भारतीय बनों।

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Peace Begins with Love

The power to love is the biggest power. The biggest power can even win the enemy.

The biggest power to love does not mean that you tolerate & allow "adharma" to continue. The adharma needs to be wiped out even by using brutal force and your might. The Mahabharat war reminds this fact. But today dharma is manipulated and redefined to achieve one's selfish goal and this is the precise reason for wide spread violence all over the planet earth.

Everybody has to remember that at any particular dimension of time & space, we, the living beings are only the custodians of the planet earth and not it's permanent owners. Therefore, we have to preserve the planet and preserve unitedly with love for the new custodians in the waiting. And, who knows, we may return again and again on this planet to play the drama called life.

Love automatically follows the peace.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

AAP's Crumbling Pedestals......

AAP's Crumbling Pedestal......

Watch the video of Delhi CM, Arvind Krejriwal released after sacking of his cabinet colleague, Mr Sandeep Kumar on sex scandal. How innocently he is playing his so (in)famous victim card, admitting the sin committed by his minister but simultaneously claiming high moral ground that he and his party are the incarnation of 100% purify? He is innocently saying that  किसी के माथेे पर लिखा नही होता  and goes on  further saying अपना बेटा भी कल क्या करेगा कोई नही जानता। True! Mr Kejriwal but, when you asked people to vote for aap, you had claimed of having adopted a process of screening candidates thoroughly. You claimed to establish a honest politics and even change the way the politics is played in this country. People then believed your claim and your face value though it was not written on your face. इमानदारी आपके माथे पर भी लिखी हुई नही थी। लेकिन लोगों ने आप पर भरोसा किया। Now, when one after another ministers and MLAs of yours are getting caught red handed with their  misdeeds, you have lost your face value too and lost in totality. Was  your face value fake? How  can one believe you today what you are saying now? You have joined hands with corrupt (read Bihar mahagathbandhan), joined with anti national forces shouting to break nation into pieces, you joined communal forces, adopted a policy of appeasement of minority communities, dalits and politicised each and every issue of development but did nothing for Delhi.

Changing the track in the video, Mr. Kejriwal comes back to his usual style of blaming everybody in the opposition, specifically the BJP for their commissions/omissions and trying to claim that he and his Aam Admi Party is by birth the purest & the most honest. Reality and perception of People of Delhi is that Kejriwal though had  promised a clean politics but gave gutter politics, leaving Delhi to suffer on all fronts, be it development, be it law and order, be it women safety, be it corruption, be it rain havoc, be it cleanliness  and forgetting totally commitments made to voters before election. People of Delhi feel cheated and are left to witness nautanki almost on daily basis. How long this will continue? Only God knows!

Kejriwal's ambitions are big! AAP want to expand pan India, Punjab, Goa, Gujarat.... But he is not realising that his pedestal of high moral ground and honest politics is crumbling with each passing day. People of other states must be watching him. They will certainly use their wisdom.  But for Kejriwal, If Delhi is lost, aap is finished.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

बिरुल बाजार-जातीय राजनीति

हम लोग अभी भी जातीय राजनीति में बंधे हुए है। गाँव में अपने समाज के बीच पहुंचते है तो अलोने, अलोनकर, अमरघडे, बारमासे, बनकर, बनाईत, सातपूते, कनेरे, वाडबुधे आदि दलों में बँट जाते है। इनमें भी उँच नीच की श्रेणियां बना देते है। बाहर निकलते है तो लोन्हारे, फूल, गाशे,..... और आगे गाँव, शहर, भाषा, प्रांत और प्रदेश में बँट जाते है। यहाँ भी उँच नीच की श्रेणिया पीछा नही छोडती। वास्तव में तो हम भारतीय कभी बन ही नही पातें। कहीं यही मानसिकता हमें एक मजबूत समाज और राष्ट्र बनने में आड़े नही आ...ती? क्या यही विभाजन हमें एक दुसरे की टांग खिंचने के लिए प्रेेरित तो नही करते? ये बातें क्या हमें अन्दर झांकने को बाध्य नही करती? क्या महात्मा ज्योतिबा फूले ने इस सामाजिक विभाजन और उँच नीच की दिवारों को गिराने का प्रयत्न नही किया? हम सबको इस पर विचार करना चाहिए।तभी हम कुंठित विचारधारा से मुक्त हो पायेंगे।सही अर्थों में स्वतंत्र हो पाएंगे। मेरी बात कई लोगों को एक आलोचनात्मक प्रहार लगेगी। लेकिन मै समझता हूँ कि इस ग्रुप से जुड़े सभी मित्र एक प्रबुद्ध वर्ग में आते है, इसलिए उन्हें विशेष आत्म चिंतन की जरुरत है।

Saturday, 13 August 2016

बिरुल बाजार, एक भयावह भविष्य!

बिरुल बाजार मुललाई तहसील, जिला बैतुल में स्थित एक बड़ा गाँव है। मुललाई से इसकी दूरी करीब 14 कि. मी. है। यह गांव मुललाई से सड़क मार्ग से जुड़ा है। सड़क का करीब 1 कि. मी. भाग जमीन विवाद के कारण अभी भी कच्चा है। बिरुल बाजार की जनसंख्या 2011 की जनगणना के आधार पर 5796 है। यहाँ की साक्षरता दर करीब 80% है। पंचायती राज कानून के तहत बिरूल बाजार स्थानीय ग्राम पंचायत द्वारा प्रशासित है। कहते है, बरसों से ग्राम पंचायत स्वार्थ की राजनीति और विभिन्न समूह में बंटे होने  के कारण ग्राम की वांछित प्रगति नही हो पाई। हॉ, मुखिया लोगों की सपन्नता कई गुना विकसीत हुई है।

बिरुल बाजार के निवासियाें का मुख्य व्यवसाय खेती है । किसान लोग कुछ अपवादों को छोड़कर प्रायः पुरानी पारंपारिक विधि से ही कृषि करते है । सिंचाई का मुख्य श्रोत कुएं, बोर वेल, और आंशिक मात्रा में ताप्ती नदी  पर ग्राम चंदोरा-ताइखेड़ा में बंधे बांध  से निकली हुई नहर द्वारा होता है।गोभी जैसी नकदी फसल की ओर किसानों का ज्यादा झुकाव होने के कारण सिंचाई की माँग विगत वर्षो में कई गुना बढ़ी है।फलस्वरूप,  जिस तरह किसान हर वर्ष ट्यूबवेल बना रहे हैं,  गांव का जमीनी  वाटर लेवल बहुत ही नीचे चला जा रहा है। गर्मियों के दिनों में 8-8 दिन बाद पीने  का पानी मिलता हैं । सबसे बड़ी संकट की बात है कि जनवरी माह के आते आते बहुत ही कम कुंओ और ट्यूबवैलों में पानी बचता है। इस कारण यहाँ  के किसान प्रायः गर्मी में अपनी कोई फसल की पैदावार नहीं ले सकते हैं। अधिकांश कुओं में पानी नही होने से पीने के पानी के लिए तक  स्थानीय लोगों को मुसीबत झेलना पड़ता है।

वर्तमान समय में बिरूल बाजार की सबसे बड़ी गंभीर  समस्या जमीनी वाटर लेवल का  कम होना है।  यदि इसके लिए अभी से प्रयास शुरू नहीं किए गए तो गांव की स्थिति और भी भयावह और चिन्ताजनक हो सकती है। हालत आर्थिक कठिनाइयों और असुरक्षित भविष्यों की ओर जा रही है और कहीं किसान आत्महत्या की ओर न बढ़े, इसकी आशंका दिन पर दिन बढ़ती जा रही है। इस गंभीर समस्या पर प्रशासन का ध्यान नही है।

इस समस्या का तुरन्त निदान निकालना होगा।

अगर  किसानो की  आर्थिक परिस्थिती सुधरेगी तो सारी समस्या दूर हो सकती है । हालत न सुधरने पर बच्चों की उचित शिक्षा  पर भी असर पड़ेगा, क्योंकि अधिकांश लोग अपने बच्चों को पैसों के अभाव की वजह से उच्च शिक्षा के लिए  बाहर नहीं भेज पायेंगे। परिणाम स्वरूप आने वाली तरुण पीढ़ी अच्छी शिक्षा से वंचित रह जायेगी।

समाधान एक ही दिखता है, वह है Rain Water Harvesting (RWH)  यानि की वर्षा के पानी का संचयन और संग्रहण। इस विधि को बिना विलंब कार्यान्वित करने की जरूरत है, और वह भी एक बड़े पैमाने पर। किसानों के जीवन में आत्मनिर्भरता और आर्थिक खुशहाली लाने के लिए यही  एक मात्र पर्याय बचा है। महाराष्ट्र के अहमदनगर जिले में स्थित गाँव हिवरे बाजार इसका ज्वलंत उदाहरण  हम सबके सामने है। हिवरे बाजार की हालत बिरुल बाजार से भी बहुत ज्यादा गंभीर थी । स्थानीय लोगों के प्रयासों से आज वहां पर 80 से ज्यादा लोग करोड़पति है । वहाँ के सरपंच श्री पोपटराव पंवार के मार्गदर्शन में RWH की योजनाओं को अपना कर यह परिवर्तन संभव हो पाया है। बिरुल बाजार  की स्थिति इतनी भी बेकार नहीं है,  बस अगर जमीनी वाटर लेवल बढ़ जाए तो  गांव एक बहुत अच्छी संपनता की ओर अग्रसर हो सकता  है।

विगत 2-4  वर्षों से मैं देखा गया है कि बिरुल बाजार के आसपास सभी दूर- दराज़ तक अच्छी बारिश होती है, लेकिन बिरूल बाजार सुखा ही रह जाता है। कारण यहॉ के लोग निरंतर पेड़ों को काट रहे हैं और नए वृक्षारोपण के प्रयास बिल्कुल भी नहीं कर रहे हैं। जिसके कारण आस-पास के गांवों में तो बहुत वर्षा होती है, लेकिन बिरुल बाजार वर्षा से वंचित रह जाता है।

बिरूल बाजार के निवासी कहते है कि उन्होंने अपने बड़े वृद्ध पुरुषों,  दादाजी - नाना जी से सुना है कि एक समय  ऐसा था जिस समय बिरुल बाजार की मुख्य नदी " घानदेव  नदी" में गर्मी के दिनों में भी पानी हुआ करता था । आज परिस्थिती बिलकुल उल्टी है। नदी तो क्या गॉव के एक मात्र तालाब में भी गर्मी के दिनों में पानी नदारद सा रहता है। रेन वाटर हार्वेस्टिंग की तकनीकी  अपनाकर और अधिक से अधिक वृक्षारोपण कर हम अतीत की  स्थिति को दोबारा वापस ला सकते है, इसमें अंश मात्र भी संदेह नही।

फिलहाल लोग RWH नहीं अपनाना चाहते हैं और इसे कुछ लोगों के खाली दिमाग की उपज कहते है। कारण वे लोग इस तकनीकी से अनजान हैं । कुछ लोगों को इसके बारे में आंशिक जानकारी है भी लेकिन जमीन के नीचे पानी किस तरह से पहुंचता है और हम उसमें  किस तरह से बढ़त कर वापस निकाल सकते  हैं, नही जानते। तकनीकि जानकारी न होने से लोग  पूरी तरह रेन वाटर हार्वेस्टिन्ग अपनाने के लिए तैयार नही है। यदि हम जैसे लोगों  स्थानीय किसानोंं और प्रशासन के व्यक्तियों को किसी भी तरह से यह बात समझा सके कि रेन वाटर हारवेस्टिंग क्या होती है, इसके क्या क्या फायदे हैं, और इसके क्या क्या अच्छे परिणाम हो सकते है  तो वास्तव में इसे अपनाकर बिरुल बाजार  कुछ ही वर्षों में अपनी  काया पलट कर सकता है।

स्थानीय निवासी और तकनीकी ज्ञान रखने वाले उन्नत विचारशील युवा श्री अमित कनेरे का कथन सत्य है। उन्हीं के शब्दों में "हमारी खेती वाली भूमि का वाटर लेवल निरंतर गिर रहा है । मैंने देखा जब मैं छोटा था, मेरे खेत में आम की अमराई हुआ करती थी। साथ ही हमारे गांव में और भी कई सारी अमराईयां हुआ करती थी । लेकिन वाटर लेवल गिरने से सारी की सारी अमराई सूख गई है। अब हमारे गांव में बहुत ही कम आम के पेड़ बचे हैं और यह निरंतर चलता रहा तो बचे खुचे बाकी बड़े-बड़े पेड़ भी सूख जायेंगे।"

अमित ने आगे भी कहा है कि हर साल की बरसात से और  तालाब और छोटे-मोटे नदी नालों से पानी जमीन में नीचे तक पहुंचता है । हर साल अगर अच्छी बरसात होती रहे तो आठ दस सालों में हमारे जमीन का वाटर लेवल बढ़ सकता है । परंतु लोग आजकल हर साल ट्यूबवैल लगा रहे हैं और जो 8-10 साल से नीचे पानी भरा हुआ है, उसे एक ही बार में निकाल लेते हैं। हर साल अब यही हो रहा है , डाल कम रहे हैं और निकाल ज्यादा रहे हैं। पहले यहां सब साधन नहीं थे तो हमारी जमीन का  वाटर लेवल भी अच्छा हुआ करता था। लेकिन अभी ट्यूब वेल, मोटर पंप और अत्याधुनिक साधनों का उपयोग होने के कारन हम जमीन से पानी बहुत तेजी से निकाल रहे हैं । इसी से हमारा वाटर लेवल कम होते जा रहा है। साथ ही बरसात इसलिए नहीं हो रही है, क्योंकि हमारे यहां पर पेड़ नहीं के बराबर है । आप google map से  देख सकते हैं कि हमारे गांव में पेड़ों की डेंसिटी कितनी कम है और आस-पास के गांवो  में पेड़ों की डेंसिटी कितनी ज्यादा है । परिणाम स्वरूप वहां पर तो अच्छी बरसात हो जाती है, पर हमारा गांव वैसा का वैसा ही सुखा रह जाता है।

बिरूल बाजार के निवासियों की RWH न अपनाने की मानसिकता भी बदल सकती है, यदि उन्हें इस ओर अच्छी जानकारी प्रदान कर उत्साहित किया जाए। इसके लिए कुछ जानकार और प्रगतिशील लोगों ने प्रयास किया तो । इसके लिए कुछ ऐसे लोगों की एक समिति बनानी होगी जो लोगों को यह बता सके कि पानी किस तरह जमीन के अन्दर जाता है, उसकी मात्रा कैसे बढ़ाई जा सकती है, जमीनी पानी का स्तर कैसे बढ़ा सकते हैं  और हम  किस तरह सिंचाई के उन्नत साधन जैसे ड्रिप इरीगेशन आदि अपना कर पानी की खपत को कम कर सकते  हैं । हिवरे बाजार का उदहारण देकर हमें हिवरे बाजार के कई सारी वीडियो, जो इंटरनेट, यू- ट्यूब आदि पर प्रचुर मात्रा में उपलब्ध है, अनेकों समूहों में आम नागरिकों को  दिखाने होंगे।

और यह सब बिरुल बाजार के युवा लोग ही कर सकते हैं क्योंकि कहते हैं कि गांव के "अंकल" लोगों की मानसिकता इस कार्य को हँसी मजाक के रूप में ही लेगी।  उन्हें समझाने की अमित जैसे लोगों ने काफी कोशिश की भी,  लेकिन उसके अकेले के कहने से यह नहीं होगा।

आप नाशिक को ही देख लीजिए वहां पर जिस भी किसान के पास 3 एकड़ भी जमीन है वह इंसान करोड़पति है

अभी बिरुल बाजार के लोग विभिन्न डैमों की राह तकते रहते हैं। उम्मीद रखते है  कि अभी डेम बनेंगे हमारे गांव में नहर आयेगी। अभी बिरुल बाजार के बगल में एक दहगुड़ पर डैम बना हुआ है , जिससे लोगों को लगता है कि उनका वाटर लेवल बढ़ जाएगा और बिरुल बाजार जैसे गाँवों में नहर का पानी आएगा। लेकिन वाटर लेवल इतने आसानी से नहीं बढ़ता  है। यदि आप प्रयास नहीं करेंगे तो वाटर लेवल तो कभी बढ़ने वाला नहीं है और पानी तो तभी आएगा जब आपके यहां अच्छी वर्षा होगी ।। जब आपके यहां पर पेड़ ही कम होते जा रहे हैं तो वर्षा कहां से होगी? इसीलिए इन सारी बातों को अभी से सोचना होगा । सोचना क्या बिना विलंब किए RWH को अमल में लाकर और अधिक से अधिक तादाद में वृक्षारोपण कर परिस्थिती र्को बदलना होगा। अन्यथा समस्या विक्राल और भयावह रुप लेकर  किसानों को आत्महत्या वाले मार्ग पर ढकेलने में ज्यादा विलंब और दया नहीं करेगी।


This post has major inputs, and suggestions from a friend, Sh Amit Kanere. Amit, thanks for your valuable time & inspiration. Wish you all the best for real field work.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

भारत माँ की एकता और अखण्डता

Main (I) किसी भी राजनैतिक दल से सम्बन्ध नहीं रखता हूँ। हॉ! मुझे भारत का नागरिक होने का गर्व है और इस नाते से किसी भी राजनैतिक दल की आलोचना या समर्थन करने का मुझे संविधानिक हक प्राप्त है। भारतीय नागरिक होने के नाते ही भारत मेरी जननी जन्मभूमि, मेरी मॉ है।मेरी मॉ के सम्मान के विपरीत या उसे छिन्न भिन्न करने का दुःसाहस यदि कोई मेरा भाई ही करता है तो यह मुझे स्वीकार नही है और मै अपनी माँ की रक्षा के लिए कोई भी किमत चुकाने को तैयार हूँ।कोई भी सच्चा भारतीय अपनी अन्तर आत्मा से यहीं यहीं च...ाहेगा और यही उद्गार प्रकट करेगा। फिर कुछ भारतियों, खासकर राजनीतिक दलों से सम्बंध रखने वाले लोगों के विपरीत स्वर क्यों सुनाई देते है? उनका क्या स्वार्थ है? केवल कुछ ख़ास वर्ग के वोटों के लिए? क्या वे सच्चे भारतीय कहलाने के योग्य है? क्या उनकी राष्ट्भक्ति संदेहजनक नही है? सच्चे भारतियों को यह तय करने की आज अत्यंत जरूरत है, केवल और केवल भारत माँ की एकता और अखण्डता के लिए ।

Nyay or Anyay

Is it a Nyay Yojana or AnyayYojana?  Congress sets it's desperate game plan to come to power at any cost, not at any cost to itself b...