Tuesday, 16 October 2018

The beauty of Bhagwad Gita

An extract from Chapter 6
Shloka 30, 31 & 32

यो मां पश्यति सर्वत्र सर्वं च मयि पश्यति |
तस्याहं न प्रणश्यामि स च मे न प्रणश्यति || 30||

सर्वभूतस्थितं यो मां भजत्येकत्वमास्थित: |
सर्वथा वर्तमानोऽपि स योगी मयि वर्तते || 31||

आत्मौपम्येन सर्वत्र समं पश्यति योऽर्जुन |
सुखं वा यदि वा दु:खं स योगी परमो मत: || 32||

He who sees Me in all things and all things in Me, never becomes separated from me, nor do I become separated from him. That yogi who, established in unity, worships Me, dwelling in all beings, abides in Me, whatever his mode of life. O Arjuna, thay yogi is regarded as the highest who judges the pleasure and pain of all beings by the same standard that he applies to himself.

Seeing others as self and self as others, feeling other's pain as pain to self is not the true religion? Should it not be regarded as the unifying message of religions?

When in today's world the religion is used as a tool to divide the society and people by political parties to gain votes of ignorant masses, the above message is even more relevant. This is a  message to all people of all religions, races or sects that binds all people in a common thread. It does not separate them but establishes love, harmony and together among the citizens of the world. Religion is a personal matter of choice and using it for political purpose and dividing people is a crime against the humanity.

If we refer this message as an extract from Bhagwad Gita, the today's world will ascribe it to a message from Hindu religion. If we don't tell an ignorant person that the message is from Bhagwad Gita, he will accept this as an universal truth. Gita also has not used the word 'Hindu' as a religion anywhere. Gita, a dialogue between Bhagwan Krishna and his friend and disciple Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra is said to be more than five thousand years old whereas the word Hindu has been coined few hundred years back.

And Hinduism is not a religion per se. It's a way of life and has an open architecture, a open source code to boot and  reboot one's life. Then why use it for dividing people? Why divide them as good Hindu or bad Hindu. On Hinduism, the Supreme Court of India in its 2995 judgement has also supported this view and said;


The historical and etymological genesis of the word ‘Hindu' has given rise to a controversy amongst Indologists; but the view generally accepted by scholars appears to be that the word ‘Hindu’ is derived from the river Sindhu, otherwise known as
Indus which flows from the Punjab.

“When we think of the Hindu religion, we find it difficult, if not impossible, to define Hindu religion or even adequately describe it. Unlike other religions in the world, the Hindu religion does not claim any one prophet, it does not worship any one god, it does not subscribe to any one dogma, it does not believe in any one philosophic concept, it does not follow any one set of religious rites or performances, in fact, it does not appear to satisfy the narrow traditional features of any religion or creed. It may broadly be described as a way of life and nothing more.


Sadly, no political party in India has been left untouched by politics of religion to garner few additional votes. All have discarded the meaning of true religion. Display of temple visits,  wearing tilak, display of janeu, wearing skull cap, visiting Churches or gurudwara, mandir, masjid; all fall under the dirty and vulgar game of politics.  People using these appeasement tools have no regard or commitment to any religion or any sect or society of people.

Beware of such politicians.

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