Saturday, 19 August 2017

Power of the subconscious mind

We have read in an earlier blog that our subconscious mind has tremendous power to shape up the direction of our lives. Our success and failure, all depends on the way our subconscious mind works. Our subconscious mind is like a pre-programmed software and to change our lives, we have to re-program this software,
To improve our lives, it is necessary for us to understand ourselves, to understand our thought process. It is very necessary that we understand how our mind works – what is the conscious and subconscious mind, and how can we improve our life by understanding the power of the mind?
In psychology, we see the human mind as two distinct, different parts. The two parts are; (i) the conscious mind and (ii) the subconscious mind. This division of conscious or subconscious mind is not done on any actual physical basis, but it is a concept of psychology or the two states of the mind.
By understanding this concept, we can bring a big change in our lives. The conscious mind is our conscious or active state, in which we decide on the basis of thought and logic or do some work. The subconscious mind is like a storage room, which stores all our thoughts, experiences, perceptions, etc. Subconscious Mind does not take decisions of logic and thinking, but it works automatically based on our previous accumulated experiences and perceptions. The conscious mind and the subconscious mind can be understood by the following example;
Whenever a person starts learning to run a cycle for the first time, then he has to carefully control the cycle. In the beginning, he does not make balance and he is also scared. But after a practice of few days when he learns to run a bike, now he does not even need to think about controlling the bicycles. Now the bicycle is controlled automatically and he can do cycling while chatting with friends or doing some other work simultaneously.
In the beginning, when the person is first learning to cycle, he is using his “Conscious Mind”. But when he is practicing cycling repeatedly, then this experience begins to be stored in his subconscious mind and slowly the subconscious mind takes the place of the conscious mind.
Our subconscious mind is like an autopilot system, which works automatically.
All our voluntary functions of the body or the automated tasks like breathing, beating of heart etc. are done by the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind has an important contribution in all our habits and everyday activities. The subconscious mind is like a software or robot, which is programmed by the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is like the robot that cannot think itself, does not know whether it is good or bad but works only according to the programming done previously.
Each of our thoughts has a significant effect on our subconscious mind or we can say that whatever we think or do, our subconscious mind is constantly getting programmed and re-programmed and then gradually, the subconscious mind starts controlling our actions.
Our habits and beliefs are also formed in the similar ways and later the subconscious mind starts controlling our habits and beliefs automatically.
It depends on us how we are programming our subconscious mind. Once the programming is done, the subconscious mind begins to act accordingly – whether that work is wrong or right.
The conscious mind can also be called as a watchman or gatekeeper of thoughts. Actually our thoughts are like a seed and our subconscious mind is like a garden. Our conscious mind decides which seed is to be planted and which is not to be planted in the subconscious mind. So, we can say that our present pattern of thoughts is responsible for the software of our sub-conscious mind. If we want to change our destiny for a successful life, we have to re-program the sub-conscious mind by constantly thinking positive thoughts through the conscious mind for success.
We sometimes unknowingly wrongly program our subconscious mind – like if I think I will not go for a morning walk today, then this small idea can gradually become a habit of avoiding my morning walks.
Through intense contemplation and meditation, we can gradually rewrite the subconscious mind and delete the wrong software installed into it.
A vital part of our life is controlled by the robot named “subconscious mind” and this robot in turn is controlled by the programming done by the conscious mind. The programming of ​​this robot is initiated from the seed of thoughts planted in conscious mind. Therefore, our success entirely depends on the thoughts we choose and what kind of software we installs in our subconscious mind.
To change our destiny, we have to change our habits. And to change our habits, we have to change the programming of our sub-conscious mind. It is not one day’s job but requires a constant practice to master the art of re-programming the subconscious mind. Once, mastered, nobody can stop us to reach our goals.
: Wish you a brightest success :

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