Wednesday, 29 March 2017

सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज - The Last Refuge!

I quote here the Verse 66 of Chapter 18, Sanyas Yoga (Yoga of Renunciation) from Bhagwad Gita which shows the mankind a divide path for liberation from worldly conflicts, sorrow and grief to realize eternal peace and joy.

सर्वधर्मान्परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणं व्रज
अहं त्वा सर्वपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुच: ।।66।।

sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja 
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ II66II

सम्पूर्ण धर्मों को अर्थात् सम्पूर्ण कर्तव्य कर्मों को मुझमें त्याग कर तू केवल एक मुझ सर्वशक्तिमान, सर्वाधार परमेश्वर की ही शरण में जा। मैं तुझे सम्पूर्ण पापों से मुक्त कर दूँगा, तू शोक मत कर ।।

Resigning all your duties to Me, the all-powerful and all-supporting Lord, take refuge' in Me alone. I shall absolve you of all sins, worry not.

Arjuna surrenders to Lord Krishna
The above verse in Shrimadbhagavad Gita has a special place in today's chaotic world where one is bewildered in the struggle for winning the daily race for survival against all odds and against fellow travelers running the same race on this planet earth. The polity of the nations also faces the same dilemma and run through the similar race for one upmanship. In order to survive in this jungle, everybody and every nation are fighting their own battles and in the process, are totally disconnected with and are unconcerned about the fellow citizens of the world. Many times, these battles are given religious cover ups and those who oppose, are severely punished. Even mass murders and catastrophic destruction of lives and property are justified in the name of such false notions. These battles are not "Dharma Yuddh", the Holy Wars but are madness of the corrupt minds. No religion can claim to be a true religion if it justifies heinous crime against humanity, whatever may be the cause. The true religion can be one and only one that is Manav Dharma (Religion of human beings) which allows other opinions and faiths to co-exist and grow. A rational mind will accept that there cannot be separate Gods for different sects and race. The concept of God is that it is all powerful, the supreme creator and sustainer of the universe, you, me and everyone. There cannot be multiple powerful Gods, creating and sustaining different set of people, geographical regions, religious sects and different races of the world. Even the animals, plants, rivers and mountains are the creation of the same one God. Indian dogs, birds or lions and American dogs, birds or lions do not have their own dog Gods, bird Gods or lion Gods depending on their regional identities or class. A dog is dog, a bird is bird, a lion is a lion; they are not Hindu lions or Muslim Lions or Christian lions. We, the human beings have given different names to our Gods based on our own religious beliefs, upbringing and cultural identities. However, as a matter of facts; you can give any name to the God, which is in essence, shall still remain nameless, colorless and classless. Behind the philosophy of different Gods in different religions, there has to be unity of all faiths, different concepts of Gods and religion as the entire humanity is a world family. People of different faiths may accept this truth of oneness of all Gods and religions but still they fight the vain battle for their own selfish motives. While fighting these mindless battles, no one remembers that he or she is not a permanent resident of this planet and neither is going to take his/her  worldly possessions, powers, positions and properties along with him/her while departing into nothingness. Even nobody is aware when the ego possessed and self loved life can be snatched at the hands of destiny at any moment, which can be the very next one. What is remedy left under such chaotic situations? The above verse 66 of the Gita offers the only solution to silent the chaos of mindlessness and settles the confusion prevalent everywhere. 

In the war of Mahabharata, Arjuna after seeing the array of opposite forces lined up, lead by Duryodhan, Bhishm Pitamah, Guru Dronacharya and numerous kinsmen, relatives and kings against whom he has to fight the war, was deeply saddened by the very thought that in order to win the war, he has to kill all these his own people. He surrenders his arms and tells his Guru, friend and Charioteer Lord Krishna that he is not interested in any kingdom for which he has to kill his own relatives. Krishna leads Arjuna to fight the holy battle, dharma yuddh which is the duty of a warrior and the divine dialogue takes palce between Krishna and Arjuna at the battlefield leading to the creation of epic Shrimadbhagavad Gita, an immortal spiritual guide to mankind to fall back, whenever confusion and chaos set in the minds. The esoteric message of Gita is that God is everything. The Gita dialogues celebrate the discovery of the Absolute, Spirit beyond creation as well as a hidden Essence of manifestation. Bhagwan Krishna reveals the divine spiritual truth to Arjuna to perform his selfless duties well and leave the fruits to the God as a true renunciate, sanyasi. Lord Krishna even favors Arjuna to reveal his Vishwa Rupa, the immortal all encompassing universal form to convince him that the Lord Krishna, Himself is the creator, sustainer and dissolver of the infinite universe. Arjuna filled with great awe and wonder, surrenders to the Lord and requests Him to come back to His human form again. After removing all doubts in the mind of Arjuna, Bhagwan Krishna concludes as a final advise to Arjuna to forsake all other duties (dharma) and take eternal shelter in Him, the Lord of Lords. The Lord promises Arjuna that by doing so, he will be liberated from all the grief and worries. Bhagwan Krishna further says that no duties can be performed without the powers borrowed from Him for He is the creator and sustainer of all lives. More important than one's worldly duties is the engagement with the God; because at any time the God can recall human beings from this earth, cancelling all other duties and actions.

This is most important and supreme spiritual message to confused and bewildered minds of the today's mankind and nations to follow the concluding message of Gita's 66th verse in chapter 18, Sanyas Yoga to perform all duties, keeping the mind singularly focused on the Supreme God, the creator & sustainer of the universe. Do not inflict any injury or kill fellow occupant of this planet earth for any selfish motives as the very act of violence against a fellow occupant will be the violence against the creator Himself. The eternal and principle message of the Gita to the humanities at all times is to stop any madness of mass killings and heinous acts of terror and destruction in the name of any false notions as such acts are against the God and won't go unpunished for long. Nobody can deny the fact that the divine principle of cause and effect is continuously in operation behind every act, good or bad and is going to produce its fruits at a the time of reckoning.

And let us not forget, we, the people on this globe are “ONE WORLD FAMILY – VASUDHEVA KUTUMBAKAM.”

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