Friday, 15 September 2017

The Celebrated Saint of Bhakti Movement, Meera Bai

 Meera Bai-PIC:
The celebrated saint, Meera Bai finds a special place in India’s Bhakti (devotional) movement which encompasses a period from 8th century to 17th  century . She was a strong devotee of Lord Krishna from very young age and later during her life time composed many poems called padas or bhajans, in the praise of Lord Krishna.

Meera Bai is believed to be born in the year 1498 in a Rajput family in Kudki district of Pali in Rajasthan. There is a story that at the age of five years, her father gifted her idol of Lord Krishna. Meera was very happy to receive the gift and used to play with it constantly. One day a marriage party was passing from the nearby street. On seeing it, Meera asked her mother when she would get married. Her mother replied to her that what is the need of marriage for her as she is already married to Lord Krishna as she never stops to play with the Krishna’s idol. From that day onwards, Meera accepted Krishna as her husband. Later, her father insisted her to marry. On her father’s insistence, she very unwillingly married to Bhoj Raj, the son Rana Sanga and the crown prince of Mewar in 1516. After marriage also she continued her devotion to Lord Krishna and used to always remain busy in worshiping and singing bhajans in praise of Krishna. Her husband and his parents were not happy with Meera’s behavior and tried unsuccessfully to bring her back to normal married life. She also used to mingle with many saints which was objected by her family. Her father in law had even sent a pot filled with poison for her to drink telling her that it was nectar. She drank it but came unharmed. She got more and more involved with the worship and bhajans of Lord Krishna. Her husband, Bhoj Raj died in a war later with Mughals in 1521. Her father in law also died within few years in a war.

Later she left the kingdom and went on pilgrimage. During her last years she lived in Brindavan and Mathura with her close companions and saints. It is believed that she miraculously disappeared one day and merged into an idol of Lord Krishna in 1547 though some people don’t believe this.
Meera’s poems, the Bhajans or Padas are very popular in northern India and few of them are included in school syllabus also. The depth of her poems shows her scholarly attributes and great devotion to the Lord. She considered Krishna as a yogi, a lover and her swami, the husband. While singing the poems, she used to lose herself in the joy and ecstasy of union with the Lord Krishna.

Meera was a true saint of India’s bhakti movement.

Here is a beautiful bhajan of Meera Bai which is a testimony of her deep devotion.

मेरे तो गिरिधर गोपाल दूसरो कोई।
Mere tho giridhar gopal doosro na koi
जाके सिर मोर मुकुट मेरो पति सोई।
Jaake sar mor mukut mero pati soi

तात मात भ्रात बंधु आपनो कोई॥।
taat maat brat bandhu aapno na koi
छाँड़ि दी कुल की कानि कहा करिहै कोई।
chaandi lai kul ki kaani kaha karilai koi 

संतन ढिंग बैठि-बैठि लोक लाज खोई॥
Santan dhing baiti bhaiti lok laaj khoi 
चुनरी के किये टूक ओढ़ लीन्ही लोई।
Chunari ke kini took audh linhi loi 

मोती मूँगे उतार बनमाला पोई॥
Moti moonge uthar banmala poi
अँसुवन जल सींचि सींचि प्रेम बेलि बोई।
Asuvan jal seenchi seenchi prem beli boi

अब तो बेल फैल गई आणँद फल होई॥
Ab tho bel pheli gayi aanand phal hoi 
दूध की मथनियाँ बड़े प्रेम से बिलोई।
dood ki mathaniya bade prem se biloi

माखन जब काढ़ि लियो छाछा पिये कोई॥
maakhan jab khadiliyo chaach piye koi
भगत देख राजी हुई जगत देखि रोई।
Bhakt dekh raaji hui jagat dekhi roi

दासीमीरालाल गिरिधर तारो अब मोही॥
Daasi meera laal giridhar taro ab mohi

English translation:
There is none other than Giridhar Gopal for me
Who wears the peacock feather on his turban is my husband
All other relationships like father, mother, brother, friends, none for me (but my husband, Giridhar Gopal)
What can anyone do about it
The wise sit in bliss lost to all worldly ways
I want not my scarf, but you
Nor the pearl and coral necklace but your garland of wild flowers
The waters of my tears weave a wreath of love
Now that wreath has borne the fruit of joy
Churning the milk with love
You do get the butter and someone else gets to drink the buttermilk
The devotee sees this and is willing while the world is upset

Your servant, Meera, oh beloved Giridhar, you are MINE, now!

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