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PIC: realtimerecovery.net
In today’s material world, we are
constantly chasing money and more money. We constantly desire to have more
wealth, big houses, big cars and all modern amenities to enjoy the life.
We live two lives simultaneously.
We live a split personality. One life may be bigger than the other or the other
life may be bigger than one. What we are talking about the two lives are; one
the inner life and the other life the outer life. Inner life is the inner
happiness, joy of living, joy of relationship, joy of togetherness, joy of
giving, caring and sharing. The outer life is our money, house, our cars,
modern lifestyles and all other materialistic necessities for which we constantly
run forgetting the inner life.
How many people in the world can
be counted to have the real happiness? Apparently, most of them will show that
they are very happy but from inside they may admit that they are missing
something in their life. That’s why we find all sorts of crimes, suicides, injustice,
inhumanity and quarrels within the societies and within the families. The real
feeling of happiness, caring and sharing is missing. On the contrary, we find
many people, with little means and moderate lifestyle are very happy with
practically no great lust for money, power and position. Why it is so? It is
because their inner life is much richer. They have a meaning and purpose to
their lives. They have sensitive hearts and they care for other human beings
too. They believe in the idea of sharing and caring. They believe in the idea
of universal oneness and philosophy of “Vasudhev Kutumbakam (the world is a
family)”. Their prayer is;
ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। Om, Sarve bhavantu sukhinaḥ
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। Sarve
santu nirāmayāḥ
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। Sarve
bhadrāṇi paśyantu
मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥ Mā kashchit duḥkha bhāgbhavet
in English
May all be prosperous and happy
May all be free from illness
May all see what is spiritually uplifting
May no one suffer
The real happiness comes through
leading a spiritual life with meaning and purpose. We all are creation of the God;
you can give Him any name and we all are accountable to Him. We cannot be happy
by killing other person or encroaching upon his rights. The other one is also
the creation of the same God and therefore, he has equal right to live
peacefully as we do. We cannot commit immoral acts and defend it and harm our
own integrity and consciousness. By such acts, we can never achieve inner
peace. This is the essence of all spirituality and in accordance of the laws of
Earning more wealth and
possessing all modern amenities are not bad. The inner opulence of truthful
life is also essential. We need to
create the balance between the inner life and outer life. The splitness, the
divide between the two lives needs to be removed. Our life should be based upon
the principles of “live and let live”. Our lives should be filled with
integrity, honesty and values.
The need is to lead a spiritually
pure life. The need is to enrich our inner life and enrich the society. True
Happiness is possible through enriching the Inner Life only.
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