Wednesday, 4 January 2017

The Essence of Hindu few words

ममैवांशो जीवलोके जीवभूतः सनातनः ।
मनः षष्ठानीन्द्रियाणि प्रकृतिस्थानि कर्षति ॥

(Verse 7, Chapter XV, Shrimadbhagavat Gita)

Bhagwan Krishna Himself declares in Gita...

An eternal part of myself, manifesting as a living soul in the world of beings, attracts to itself the six senses, including the mind, which rest in Prakriti.

इस देह में यह जीवात्मा मेरा ही सनातन अंश है। और वही इन प्रकृति में स्थित मन और पाँचों इन्द्रियों को आकर्षित करता है॥

Tat Tvam Asi... तत्त्वमसि... Thou art that....

The essence have come from Him, you are the origin and you are the end...

The Brahman...The Spirit...

 Aham Bramhāsmiti .......अहं ब्रह्म अस्मिति.....

I am Brahman..

Aham Brahmm Asmi...... I am the Infinite Reality.....

Om Tat Sat...

ओम् तत् सत्,

The Supreme Absolute Truth..All That Is.

The Truth beautifully  expressed in few words in ancient Indian scriptures

This is the eternal truth, ancient way of life and ancient knowledge.

People today call it "Hindu Dharma"..the Hindu religion, but astonishingly in Veda, Upanishads and Gita, the holy scriptures of Hindu religion, no word like " Hindu" appears.

This eternal truth poses a challenge to modem science to prove it wrong...

And surprisingly the day does not seem to be very far away when the science and spirituality... will lead to the same conclusion, the same TRUTH......the truth  of you, me, he/she, everything and  the phenomenon, called UNIVERSE.

Om Tat Sat

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